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About Badger

  • Birthday 12/17/1962

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Alhambra, California
  • Interests
    Faires, costume design, gamin', campin', lovin' my woman every day for the rest o' my weaselous life, readin', laughin', an' generally plunderin' all the fun that life can give.
  1. Yurrh! Count me in, too! I gots th' money all ready fer two boxes. Contact me at elizabethhayes2002@yahoo.com an we'm can do business!
  2. Yer welcome, Coastie. I loved that powder horn, an' I've often found th' most satisfaction comes from givin' a gift I were attatched to meself. If'n I loved it, it must at least be cool on some level, non? Think o' me when th' guns roar, an' I will share yer fun!
  3. Aye, welcome an' welcome, lass!
  4. Badger

    Ojai, Ca.

    Ye can bet ye'll be seein' me there, matey!
  5. Thankye, Duchess! I shall carry me plunder in it always!
  6. Now, if'n I could only figger out who sent mine........?
  7. To Coastie04; Hurrhurrhurr! Keep yer powder dry, an' yer whistle wet!
  8. Waitaminit..."ten minutes from Disneyland"....ELK!?? In L.A.!?? cool.... Anyway...I gots a neat pyrate bag from me secret Santa...thankew much! Under the Black Flag (dissappointing) Pirates of the Revolution (a good read) An, I gived me wife/best matey that sweet lil' blunderbussy what Vintagesailor uses as his subtext picture. After seein' how good it looked on HIS lady at PiP, I couldn' resist. Plus, she loved it from first sight. Loved her expression when she unwrapped it...Thanks, Vintage-laddye!
  9. Gots mine t'day...WHEEE! Cant resist.....Badgers arent made fer waitin'. THANKYE Santa! As those who know me know, I be infamous fer loadin' on JUST ONE MORE WEAPON, an' I always need more carryin' capacity! Mine shoulda got thar by monday; it better hav, I paid enough t' th' minions o' th' gov'ment! Hope ye likes it, UP THAR IN TH" COLD WASTES! Hinthinthint! Thankye fer lettin' me participate...seems like I been here years o' fun, 'stead o' just since october....O', wait, I have, just not on th' Pub! Dont know what I'd do wi'out my weekly Pub-fix, now! MERRY CHRISTMAS T" YE ALL, AN" HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  10. Yurrhhurrhurr! Good one, "Mr. Noland"! I wonders how many others have slipped in ridin' under a false flag? Good Pirate trick, matey! P.S. Also not a captain...ne'er had much luck at it. Just a broken-down (but still narsty) ex-quartermaster.
  11. Me friend Weasel had a badbad experience wi' an iguana, so he got a few feeders to get over it, figgerin' when they died he wouldnt care so much. (As wi' th' lizard, he neglected ta ask me what I knew about em furst; he ne'er does!). He also got a puppy.... Ten years later, th' puppy is a wonderful dog, an' we love 'im as family. An' 4 of th' 6 goldfish are still family, too. Now 7 to 9 inches long, they live in th' living room at his house, an' have survived 3 moves, 3 cats, and many other challenges. Goldfish are...scaley dogs! Take comfort....ye may have them fish fer th' rest o' yer life! They have been known t' live 40 years or more, in ideal conditions. NOT like Betas, those fish from seasonal rivers that do indeed die before the 3rd birthday. Good luck, matey, an' I hopes I have given some comfort to ye.
  12. Aye, aye, yurrh,yurrh....Happy birthday, Salty! I hoists me 'pots' t' ye, furst th' left, as its nearer th' heart, an' then th' right, as its always better t' get it right in th' end! Glug, glug! Yummmm!
  13. Gonna add my thoughts...you kinda asked fer it' after all! I dont hunt, though I stalk fer fun, an' cause I love wilderness. I gots no problem wif meat hunters.... Sport-hunting repels me, but it IS a biological inheritance in our species. That being said, we GOTS ta hunt (at least in th' lower 48), cause we stupidly an' regrettably got rid o' most o' th' big predators in most o' th' territory long ago, an' as every hunter an' student o' nature out there knows, th' deer an' pigs an' all would overbreed, eat all th' plantlife, destroy th' forests, an' starve horribly if'n we stopped. whether or not ye is an animal-lover (I am), that is no fate to wish on them, or us. Nature's balance demands it. Hunt away! Hunting is always gonna be hit, miss, an' maim. It is as cruel, and no more, as nature's own game. Scum that do it in an extra cruel an' wasteful manner, however, should be dumped in an oubliette. For those o' ye livin' in Alaska or th' (very) few other 'unspoiled' ecosystems, PLEASEPLEASE learn from th' stupid, shortsighted mistakes o' th' past, and treasure yer wolves, bears, an' pumas. They keep nature in true balance, an' make yer prey WAAY more fit and healthy. Plus, they are beautiful, an' God gave them a right ta live, too. We tamper with his designs at our peril! Can ye tell I'm passionate about this? Lastly, that (insert expletives) creature who shot at yer house, an' on yer land, he probably left it 'cause it WAS too close, an' he feared yer wrath if ye heard th' shot an' came. Thats my theory on why he has left 3 nearby. ScumScumScum. My sympathys, an' I hope ye gets 'im....somehow!
  14. Happy birthday, mate! Mr. Cross, if'n th' birthdays were to "stop", I guess we would all have tae >gag gasp retchAAAARRRGGHH stagger fall crawlcrawlcrawl.... < DIE!!!?
  15. Happy birthday, Pew!
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