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Professor Death

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    southwest ohio
  • Interests
    native reenacting: 17th cen., F&I war, rev war, war of 1812
    jacobite, cowboy action, and pirate reenacting
  1. that is the most massive flag i've EVER seen that wasn't some mass produced polyester thing... totally awesome.
  2. i feel your pain, wes. i'm doing almost zero colonial stuff these days. rev war was too snooty for me, now f&i is getting that way. i'd have to say pirate is my favorite thing going right now. its so laid back but you still get people doing it right, and researching. definitely get in touch with the thatcher tribe and friends in st. louis, you're closer to fellow buccaneers than you might have suspected......
  3. they was sportin' thare "colors", yo.
  4. just.....wow. thats the only word to describe this weekend, WOW. you buggerers who failed to show up THIS time better make it next year, you have a whole 12 months to hear of the "things" you missed. sublimities too profound for mere words. a big hats off to Ty Winchester for going the extra nautical mile for us barbarians at the gates, when you consider the price of everything on the island, and that we got more than 95% of the events i've been to give us, we really were spoiled. will Michael, or Kate-Not-Mrs. Bagley, PM me Ty's snail mail address, so I can send him a thank you card also, i've never felt so pampered and worshipped and dreaded in my entire life, all at once. I eagerly await our learned chirgeon's report in his journal on the day spent in the Port Royal of the great lakes. next year: more pillagers, more killing, more fun and carousing! awwww yeah!
  5. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!???? you PROMISED this episode would be forgave and, more especially, FORGOTTEN. besides, whats a little tent burning? you make it sound like something really awful happened. i was on my good behavior, truly. i swear it.
  6. aye! at bushy run, they usually have a garden hose attached to a board nailed to a skid out in the field, so you can take a sort of open air shower. good eats, definitely. can someone post the recipe for the dinner we had saturday night, that mexican dish and beef was to die for. and the monster cookies, i had one of those before work today. i'm definitely interested in going back next year.
  7. i was really immpressed with the event. the numbers of real 18th cen. reenactors warmed my savage heart. the fort was awesome, really was cool having that in the background. saturday was the hottest day i can remember, stifling. today i officially declare the first saturday of june 2010 to be "the day southern illinois was worse than f----ing irag day". also the fiirst time i've just sprawled out and slept half the day. lazy, shiftless native. you can take the native out of the paint, but you can't take the paint out of the native. definitely was nice meeting some of the folks i see here on the pub. and of course a big hand for thee thatcher tribe for hosting and all the guys and gals with the wonderful feast. and of course can't forget monster cookies, either. william, i expect to hear a TRUTHFUL account of your pillages with the professor. nothing else will do. and bosun carl to have located a replacement for the glass horn i pilfered from him, er, WANTED to pilfer. next up: pictures?
  8. count the professor of death-ness in, of course. sam.
  9. although "most" of us it seems tend towards a generic english portrayal of piracy/naval life, i'm curious what sort of documentation (read IMAGES) some of you may have found that show what say some mediterannean, indian, arabic, spanish, italian, dutch sailors would have worn. we got to talking about this at our last event, and while i usually am an indian (feather head) i like the idea of not having to shave and paint all the time, but thought it'd be cool to do a different bit of a portrayal. the new-er portrayal of "jamal, the somali pirate" was even discussed. but seriously. i can't find that much about these other locales, though from reading johnson's i gather that there would likely have been a large number of sailors from india and the ottoman empire on a ship operating in that region, whether it was a pirate or merchantman, soooo...............
  10. A race?! to escape the pirates, i assume. i say we heave to and give chase in marks rowboat and the canoe, and fire the swivel at em and so forth for awhile, til they outpace us, which i'm sure they will...... mature sorrority girls/women are ok too, i'm an equal opportunity plunderer, who does not discriminate on reasonable basises of age, race, language, or religion, or national origin. "come heah, wench!" as long as they don't act like the wedding party did , i'm up for socializing with whoever. are we still going to board em this time? if so i can make up some fake gold and silver bars for us to loot.....
  11. Thank you for the re-assuring information on the Prof...... I will bring a stake and chains just in case........also does he prefer raw meat to cooked meat ?........... do wot! thats so, like, you know, UNCIVILIZED! don't worry, i never pillage and plunder my friends, nor hack and maim my peers, or......well, you get the drift. all others are fair game tho! i'll bring some rum to compensate your loss of plate for the fine canvas shelter. as an indian i'm so used to sleeping on the ground though, canvas is a seldom used luxury except when it rains or snows......
  12. Don't worry about the Professor, he is all bark and no bite (and mostly just a warped sense of humour). But if it will help you sleep better, we'll keep him at the opposite end of the line of tents from you. As an FYI, we'll be staying in our wedge, which is about 8 feet by 9 feet and we have the tarp shelter (which sleep one comfortably, and two closely) available as a loaner should anyone need or want it. Thank you for the re-assuring information on the Prof...... I will bring a stake and chains just in case........also does he prefer raw meat to cooked meat ?...........
  13. i've always wanted to go to this event as a native, but if ye souris family be going, i'll be up to go too.... as a native pirate! argh! everyone i know whos gone to this event says they love it, i'm looking forward to it. i'll be getting that linen out to ya michael, once i scrounge up a box...... this should be a pillage tyme.
  14. theres a firefighting museum not too far from where i live, the minute i walked in the front door i knew wot i saw, a large ax with a crescent shaped blade and a spike similar to a spear ax. massive head. the guide said it was from the late 1600s, "specifically made for firefighting". of course i knew better, but didn't try to argue the point. besides bad manners, they probably wouldn't have let me grope the ORIGINAL english boarding ax we see everyone carrying these days. i took pics with the camera phone, unfortunately i can't seem to Do anything with camera pictorials.
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