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About Ricblackthorne

  • Birthday 09/05/1975

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Texas
  1. http://www.artfire.com/users/TribalRosesewing lets try this one, maybe we'll have better luck Ric
  2. My sincerest apologies. did not realize the period at the end of the post was going to mess up the link. the link has not been fixed. Ric
  3. Just a short shameless plug for My and My Lady's business. We do custom clothing of all kinds and can ship anywhere in the world. We are certain you will find our prices reasonable as we keep things small to keep costs to a minimum. You can see some of our products at http://www.artfire.c...ibalRosesewing We absolutely LOVE doing custom work for people. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Ric p.s. We also have access to exotics like the silks of India and spices from all over the world.
  4. ~~Quote trimmed for simplicity~~ OK for currently aging and fermenting stock: -5 gallons Chocolate mead (estimated drink ready July 1 2011) -3 gallons Blueberry Banger (estimated drink ready Jan 1 2010) -2 gallons Orange Spiced Mead (estimated drink ready Nov 15 2009) -2 gallons Spiced Cider Mead (estimated drink ready Feb 10 2010) -1 bottle Dragon's Blood mead (Blood oranges and spices)(drinkable now but will improve with age.) -1 bottle Mystical Mythical Melomel (estimated drink ready Dec 15 2009) Planned projects: -small yield batch of Liquid Sex Chocolate Mead (probably 1 gallon batch) -small yield batch Hellfire Mead (Habanero Pepper Mead)(definitely in one gallon batch, and only given to the very brave.) -5 gallon batch of Apple Pie in a bottle (Spices and apples mead) Ric
  5. If any here need mead recipes, I have a huge archive of them, every variation I could think of. Have even made most of them over the years. Ric
  6. did anyone ever find a Crew in Central Texas? Ric
  7. I am in Central Texas (ugh...too much dry land for my tastes). Currently my Lady and I are seeking a Crewe, but have not yet found one that is still active. Richard Blackthorne AKA Ric the Toymaker
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