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Eureka Tom

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Everything posted by Eureka Tom

  1. She sounds big, big and awesome ... awesomely expensive, but then ye know what them that be say... "B.O.A.T. Bring Out Another THOUSAND !" PICTURES PLEASE !
  2. Own a piece of history, and make history of your own with HMS Bounty. NO KIDDING mateys... it's a full replica... but with deisel engines for back-up in case the wind wont be at ye back... www.yachtworld.com According to the site, this is the one used in the POTC movies. How much ye ask? Well, ye know what THEY says; if ye HAFTA ask... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 58' American Privateer Schooner Steel Replica Nowe this one HERE is a nice lass... even has a purty thang on the bow with her bits showin ! www.yachtworld link and a BARRRGAIN at only a half a milllion... If yew wants a PIRATE ship ... with ALL the ammenities.... well, yer got yerself a fine one here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ www.yachtworld.com .... and cheap too ! Only $150K ... lol.. buy TWO ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's a 63 foot schooner/pirate ship replica ! www.yachtworld ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope I haven't offended the powers that be for postin these "fer sail" items, but I figured if someone be askin, I might as well share what I be findin ! Hope ye all had a laugh if nuthin else!
  3. Here is a beauty on yachtworld.com a 1911, 102 foot clipper ! Here's a few more: 97' Pirate Topsail Schooner Click the yachtworld link here Now THIS one might just be what you need: 49' PIRATE SHIP 49 Passenger U.S.C.G Certified/turnkey REDUCED Year: 2005 Current Price: US$ 195,000 Located In Ft. Lauderdale/Stuart, FL Hull Material: Composite Engine/Fuel Type: Single Diesel For sale link ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More to follow...
  4. http://www.yachtworld.com/core/indexB.html actually has some nice boats that could be "re-worked" and if you can fiddle with the search parameters, you will find around 200 boats UNDER $10,000 I also found an actual "pirate ship" on ebay (go figure) and was going to post it here last night, but I hit the spellchecker up there, and POOF, all of my post went to davey jones' locker.... and it was 2 am and I didnt feel like re-doing it all over again. NOW i go back and the bloody thing has been taken off ebay alltogether, but I will endevour to find it agian... and post it AGAIN.. In the mean time, here is a 1946 Rhodes New Weekender 39 foot Sloop They only want $35,000 or best offer... ebay link
  5. I know these boats have no sails, but ye might have a gander at www.duffyboats.com They are all electric, and beautiful boats, everything from dingies to small yachts. They have very classic lines to say the least.
  6. You think *YOU* got it rough, try bein the only "HILLBILLY/REDNECK" pirate in Arkansas !~ I feel it important to tell future "pinners" that ye HAVE to include yer email addy into the propper box or yu'll nay be gettin into the map !
  7. Ahoy from one greenhorn to another !
  8. So as I ahve mentioned on my maiden thread, I am tryin to put together a once-a-month pirate gatherin here in Eureka Springs at a local tavern. It's an Irish pub, but I figure, drunken irish, drunken pirates... it's all good ! I was thinkin about having pirate music of some kind palyin in the background while we have short 10 minute "seminars" on how to talk like a pirate... how to dress like a pirate (findin stuff on ebay and the like) ... learnin a few pirate songs perhaps... oh... and of course DRINKIN SOME RUM ! I want this to be fun for everyone, but not too boring or too childish ifin ye know what I mean. What kind of ADULT entertainment can we have .... short of gettin thrown in the local brig? If this goes over well, then I plan on organizin' a once-a-year BIG PIRATE BASH/CONVENTION here in town ! (hide the kids Margie, them pirates is havin a PARADE...) We already have teh conventions center to host it in if enough folks show up, and the town is used tohavin a parade of SOME kind every flippin weekend, so what's one more? I was thinkin the weekend after halloween, aint much goin on at that point to be conflictin with anyone elses party, everyone should have their costumes already dusted off and still laid out from the weekend previous and since most piratacla outfits are so bulky and hot, November would be a good time to wear em ! (You can also hide your long-handles under em if need be like I did ... no one notices under the big fluffly britches) What say ye???
  9. Alrighty swabbies... here be the scuttlebut... This was me first attempt at a "real" pirate costume, the only thing I bought online was the hat (with attached hair) and boot spats. The rest I had on hand or bought locally a piece at a time. I added all the bling on the hat meself. Found the sail needle here in town actualy, imagine that. This year, I am crackin the whip and my maiden is workin up a real nice jacket and vest from a pattern we found online. I will be postin those pics over in the proper section of the pub as they become available. But for now, I need suggestions for gettin more attendees to the event. It's halloween night, downtown in the middle of the busiest part of town, problem bein, folks are usually doin too much other stuff to pay attention to what I be doin. I also would like to be able to have something for the kiddos to do (something sidewalk sized) other than just go for a 5 minute ride around the block. Any suggestons? (oh, we raised $1,000 last year with just two carriages in 4 hours.)
  10. (by the way, did anyone notice i have updated my profiley things.... new signature lines and all...) I am gonna post a new thread on the children's charity carriage rides/pirate-a-palooza with some pics of YOURS TRUELY in my first pirate attempts cosutme. Also gonna start a new one on the new pirate gatherins I am plannin here at the local pub. Look for both, and please feel free to jump in and offer suggestions and such.
  11. Well, not much to tell yet. That's the problem. I only have the ideas in me head so far... An me head bein what it is, there aint much accountin for actual future plannin skills. I *did* mind ye come up with this everyone attendin should bring two pieces of "gold" for advertisin of the monthly gatherin. (two of those fancy "gold" dollar coins will suffice) which will go towards adverts an door prizes... Although WHY anyone would want a DOOR for a prize i'll never reckon. I thought we could have talk like a pirate seminars ( of the drunken 10 minute variety) creatin a decent pirate name... Singin pirate songs... Readin short pirate stories... Etc. Any other thoughts?
  12. Indeed she is... lol... or rather my business with my pleasure ! YAR ! Once a year we take the carriages downtown on hallows eve and dress in full regalia, braided beard and all, and give FREE carriage rides for children's charity, this year it goes to the Arkansas Children's Hospital. Folks can make a donation of ANY size, and they get a free carriage ride, and get their photo taken by the on-site olde time photo studio (who I finaly twisted enough arms that they screamed UNCLE and installed a whole slew o' piratical outfits and sets/props ... then realized HEY we could make some money with this crap... I mean stuff...) and free candy for the kiddies and an extra special treat for the ladies from your's truely ! YO HO HO... lol I will be postin photos asapc.... As Soon As A Pirate Can....
  13. Avast ye crewmen and crew-wimmins ! I be a land-locked scurge from a little hamlet in the northwest of Arkansas. The natives call it Eureka Springs, fer the healin waters found here. Ya see, it was presumed that Ponce De Leon (p'tew) had gotten lost on his voyages and upon reaching Floriduh, gave up and said "screw it, this be the place, er, yeah, right"... whenin all actuallity, had he asked the right person for directions and a decent map, (or perhaps a compass that worked rightly) he would have found his way to the mountains here and discovered what some scallawag fur-trappers found... and of course later stole from the natives and profited greatly. Must've been a lil pirate in 'em after all... At any rate, here I be, my wicks are waxed, and my fodders dry ! Aint no dinner fittin, unless a bottle of rum there be sittin ! Post Script... I be puttin together a monthly gatherin of like-minded malcontents in our local hamlet, as I have never done this before (ingorance never stopped me from attackin a thing before) I would like to get some firsthand knowledge of how to make said gatherins more piratey and less like scraping barnacles.
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