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    Romance, History, life, love, movies, books, antiques, ...I hate sewing. I love to cook, I love my long hair, enjoy children, .....um get to know me for more.
  1. Hoping to find more time to visit here.

  2. As a wife who has a marriage that did fail, not for any military reason or that, but because well, I do not wish to say as I am still very very hurt over it, and we still live together....for now. First you must treat her like a lady, no cussing, even if she does, she may have met someone, but make sure if you love her and really want her back you realize you have been gone and she needed held thinking you could have died- no excuse to be sure, but if you love her, tell her you forgive her and you will work through it and love her till you are both old and gray and never throw it in her face if you forgive her. That will mean more to her than anything because she is going to punish herself if that is what it is. NOT that is is that. I have no clue. But she needs to know you will be there for her, forever, and forever can't be a short time. It has to mean life. Court her, love her, date her, make love to her for hours when you can, kiss her until she begs for you and then make her keep begging and keep kissing and please her and keep pleasing her. Make sure she goes to her friends and brags about you. I know that you need to be able to put a meeting or fun aside if she is having a bad day even if is just to be with her... Not sure if you two have kids but if she has been both mom and dad to the kids that is a heck of a responsibility trust me I know. I have had to handle that as well with more than one child. One is a special needs child. She could just be afraid too if she gained ten pounds or so that you won't love her...women go through odd feelings called hormones. Give it time, hope for the best, seek a counselor that is the best advise I can give you but never ever ever give up....for a woman is like a treasure, do not let it be stolen from you or bury it in hard feelings mate. Treasure her and keep her polished. Give her a rub down....and kiss her tell her how you feel do not hold back the feelings, that is the biggest mistake men make and then they loose a good woman, do not let pride step in. good luck- Ginger.
  3. Like my privacy and the mystery that surrounds it. Yet at the same time loves to be the center of attention at times....depending on the attention...And who gives it he he. I do not know if I want the age to be known, as far as bilge rat, I plan on working my way up the ranks well soon enough. Come on over and say 'ello.

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