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About PistolOcannon

  • Birthday 02/14/1969

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    Cape Cod & Ft Lauderdale
  1. Aye! And it waar a right pleasure ta have ye aboard! And indeed, to the rest of ye crew, we do have other amazin' arteefacts here that din't go on tour. With over 200,000 recover'd arteefacts o' the Whydah, and only 200 a'them on tour, thar's plenty ta see, and we welcum one-n-all ta cum an' view 'em. Each 'n every piece from the Whydah, wethar a single piece o' kloth or a single piece o' eight, be a priceless treasure, and it be a privileg'd honor just ta clap yur eyes on one of 'em! An we gots two a the 62 cannon recover'd from the wreck, one o'which be the infamous treasure cannon stuffed with loot; an while little John King's leg bone be on tour, we gots here the sawn off leg bone of one'a the pirate crew; and a'course we got coins, textiles, pistols, parts o'da ship's riggin', pewter plates, pistols shots made by the pirates tharselves, cannon balls, grenades, the water tank of many large still-concreted artifacts, etc. We also gots a few arteefacts from some of the other ships Barry Clifford done discover'd, such as the Fiery Dragon. Speakin' o' Barry Clifford, that real life Indiana Jones, he'll be headin' ta Madagascar this Fall to continue explorin' Captain Kidd's Adventure Galley. The museum be closed today in preparation for the hurricane a'comin' tonight. We've battened down the hatches, boarded up the windows, and shor'd up the structure, to ensure the protection o' the treasure within! Clifford's research vessel, the famed Vast Explorer, is moor'd out in the harbor waar the Mayflower once anchor'd whilst they sign'd the Compact, til the storm be pass'd. May the maggots belay to infest yur biscuts, the bloody flux avoid yur water casks, the seas rize up ta kiss yur bow figurehead, the sun shine with mercy upon yur face, the rain fall soft on yur decks, and the wind billow yur sails, Jim "Pistol O'Cannon" Cunningham, docent (or "janitor" as our beloved curator is fond of calling me), Whydah Pirate Museum
  2. Well, I've a'ready posted these in the new members section o' the Crow's Nest, but I suppose it shoulda gone here. Here's me on dooty at the Whydah Pirate Museum just before welcomin' a tour group o' foreigners who prolly didn't understand a damned word I said anyhow. These are the best shots I have and I'm not a bit pleased with them. I'm gettin new photos soon. Now personally I love this one. I thought I looked mean in this picture, but me husband says I look like I was scared, like I saw Davey Jones er somethin'! What do you think?
  3. Ahoy, me hearties! I'm pleased as punch to have found this site and I'm a hopin' to be a welcomed mate among this here fine crew. I be Pistol "Jim" O'Cannon, pirate host at Barry Clifford's Whydah Pirate Museum in Provincetown on Cape Cod, home base faar the world's only authen'icated pirate treashaar & arteefacts, as I'm sure ya all rightly know bein' that I done seen by yaar pictures that many of ya have been at our travelin' exposition thingy with National Geographic at the Field Museum and the Franklin Institute. Well, I just come by ta say me greetin's and ta wish ye fair weathaar. If ya happens to pay a visit ta Provincetown, be shaar to come see yaar ole pal Pistol and I'll give ye a waarm welcome and a bottle o' rum (never mind that it looks and tastes like Gatorade). Here be a few photos of me ugly mug and some from the Museum here.
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