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Jack Spareribs

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Posts posted by Jack Spareribs

  1. This question carries the common presumption that we're all reenactors, and have the luxury of allowing clothing to age naturally. For me, waiting for natural aging has two primary flaws - first, I just can't make it to enough lengthy, dirty, outdoor events, so my clothing would end up looking new for a very, very long time. The second problem is regarding hygeine and smell - many times I need to look the part of a dirty pirate while amongst "normal" folks - folks that can appreciate a dirty, period looking pirate, but who might be less keen on historically accurate smells. I'm sure Spareribs would agree that sometimes you've got to be selective in just which parts of piracy you portray around the public, and which parts you gloss over.

    HEHEHE no kidding! I sometimes have a very hard time NOT smelling like a pirate. Lets face it, no one wants to come up to shake your hand and put a fiver in the hat after a show....and smell THAT!

    I can't HELP but have my gear naturally fade and get ruined. When I was crew on the Royaliste that would give your gear a good beating too! Nothing like salt water and sun to wreck a perfectly good wig of dreads!

  2. Ahoy mates!

    Tis' I, Capt'n Jack Spareribs.

    Formerly aboard this here Pub as Ace of Harbor Bay.

    Since then, I have become a pyrate full-time.

    Many have seen me performing at the various festivals in California but now I have been meeting folks from around the world, as I perform regularly as a street performer on stage at Pier 39 in the port o' San Francisco.

    So I may be new...but I am not ...just smell!

    Hello again to all my old mates and I hope to meet some new ones!


    AKA: Jack Spareribs


  3. OK, this is kicking around in Twill, and now in the Market, but the question doesn't really belong in either. Why take all the time to artificially age clothing, when just wearing it properly will do the same job? Is it your clothing, or just a costume you put on occasionally? From reading some of this, it seems that people want to look like a pirate, but wouldn't really go to the length of actually getting dirty and smelly. No matter how you do it, fake looks fake at anything less than ten feet. Even the pro costume wonks do this to be seen at a distance or on film, not in one to one contact. The only way to age clothing naturally and have it look right is to wear it doing the dirty jobs, wear it in the rain, wear it for a few days straight, wash it occaisionally in harsh detergent and never dry clean it. I guess I just don't get it. And it's not just the clothing. There is a reluctance, nay a hard opposition to really doing this. A dirty pirate with carefully washed hair, neatly shaven face, and smelling of modern deoderant and toothpaste, or with fancy hairstyle, modern makeup and painted nails just doesn't make the look believable. All the aging in the world will not overcome the modern look and smell of the person underneath.

    So please people, tell me why.


    Funny. I kinda get yer drift.

    I have had to "age" my gear in the past and when having to replace it.

    But...that is the cool part. I have worn my gear so much on a daily basis and yeah doing everything from sailing to loading and firing cannons, to mostly my shows where juggling fire does basically the same as firing cannons to it. :)

    Yep, I do look somewhat like the Hollyweird Sparrow guy... but I do at least SMELL like a real pirate.

    I am on my second pair of boots (yeah, yeah I know...no buckly shoes here) but I have had to replace the soles of my second pair already and am in need of a new pair again.

    This comes from being a street performer mostly but you arrrr certainly correct. It does not take that much to age properly. The sun is a very harsh beast and fade things so wonderfully, I had had waistcoats fall apart from the salt water and sun combo after a year. I have been through about 9 shirts in 5 years.

    But...I assume most do not want to smell as bad as I do and may not have the time to devote to livin' the ride...err life.


  4. two 'n one quarter day t' go!

    I will NOT however be traveling out on Friday, that could bring such bad luck as t' destroy th' entire event! I will however be set'n sail at 3am on th' Saturday morn :lol:

    Sorry ye will not be there Jamaica Rose, perhaps we can stop by NQG 'n baby...er, ratsit fer Cap'n Michael a bit so be can catch a show or two :rolleyes:

    Capt'n Spareribs; I caught yer show last yarrr, even have a photo posted on MeSpace....Monkey ribs eh? I will be sure t' bring plenty o' BB-Q sauce! :rolleyes:

    Oh yeah!! Almost forgot! I am so excited!

    For Father's Day my wife and daughter finally got the sword I had put on layaway at Ojai!

    It was made by Tony Swatton and screen used in Pirates 3!!!

    Lovely balance and very light which I need for my bad wrist. Now to get the rest of the crew aluminum blades so we can go at it.

    It may not be a Sparrow lookin' sword but it has just become the cutlass Spareribs carries!! :lol:

  5. two 'n one quarter day t' go!

    I will NOT however be traveling out on Friday, that could bring such bad luck as t' destroy th' entire event! I will however be set'n sail at 3am on th' Saturday morn :lol:

    Sorry ye will not be there Jamaica Rose, perhaps we can stop by NQG 'n baby...er, ratsit fer Cap'n Michael a bit so be can catch a show or two :rolleyes:

    Capt'n Spareribs; I caught yer show last yarrr, even have a photo posted on MeSpace....Monkey ribs eh? I will be sure t' bring plenty o' BB-Q sauce! :rolleyes:

    I really remember VERY little of last year. While working on the final welds on my ship, I had an accident and nearly put my eye out. This was the day of the festival build and I ended up spending (and performing) the whole weekend with a pretty bad concussion. The show must go one ...eh?

    So no...the swagger was not acting OR rum induced. hehehe

    I am good and prepared this year and plan to show all the scallywags why I got voted Best in the Bay for family fun!!! The pirates helped vote for me...they deserve to experience it!

    Let the monkeys FLY! I'm thinking of naming me ship The Flying Monkey (just like the Flying Dutchman...only with monkeys)

  6. Cap'n Michael of the No Quarter Given crew and the PyRats will be there too. Swing by our No Quarter Given booth and say hello. Bart and Hank are available for whiskery smoochies, especially with the pirate wenches. (If you are unfamiliar with Bart and Hank, you can get to know them here: http://www.myspace.com/nqgrats ).

    --Jamaica Rose

    Aye! I'll bring Maynard the Monkey over to meet the little PyRats!

    Come on by my ship and have some fun with the Flyin' Monkey Cannon! I will of course also be performing several times on the main stage. A couple of my new show (not the Pier 39 show) and a couple of cameos with the Pirate Lords act.

    This year old Jack Spareribs and the Pirates of Harbor Bay are playin' host to the Pirates of Sacramento in our encampment. Come by and say arrr and make some new friends!


    AKA: Capt'n Spareribs

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