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  1. This be the last weekend of The Haunted Hallow in Augusta, MI. We be havin' an unsanctioned pirate invasion on Saturday night. Share the event with yer mates. The VooDoo Crew will be thar! RootJack be thar! Be thar! http://www.facebook.com/events/366883900060184/
  2. Located on a 7.5 acre island in the center O' downtown Mishawaka, IN (near Notre Dame and Southeast of Chicago), the Michiana Renaissance Festival hosts an area dedicated to pirates in conjunction with the Brethren of the Great Lakes. More information be available online mateys. Location: Kamm Island Park, Mishawaka IN Date: August 27-28, 2011 Web: MichianaRenFest.com facebook: facebook.com/michianarenfest This be not a "RootJack" event, but it is local to our port and we thought the other ships would want to know.
  3. Episode 10 of the Gentleman Pirate now be available on the RootJack facebook page and on the RootJack website. This episode be called "Blackbeard's Headache" where we answer the question provided by Mr. Blackthorne about how Blackbeard was a big pirate in a normal-sized pirate world. ALSO, once again we be all out of queries. You can submit questions on about any topic. In fact, questions that don't require us to drop anchor and head for a library will do just fine. They don't necessarily need to be pirate questions, but they will be answered in a pirate state of mind. Questions on life, love, politics and other general interest are happily accepted. Selected queries are rewarded with FREE RootJack shipped straight to you. Details be in the video.
  4. Episode 9 is now posted on Facebook and the RootJack website. The topic of this episode is "Dead Man's Chest", where we discuss the meaning of the familiar pirate phrase, "15 men on a dead man's chest". This episode includes music from the group Pirates for Sail. Special thanks to Bilgemunky for hooking us up with Pirates for Sail.
  5. Episode 8 of the Gentleman Pirate is now online at RootJack.com and on Facebook. This time we discuss the Kennedy Curse and how, if at all, it relates to Bartholomew Roberts. Also, a small side note, we need more questions. The questions can be general, and not necessarily pirate related. However a good question earns free RootJack. Details are in the video.
  6. ahoy Mate. I was goofing around at home and made a little video. If you would like to see it let me know..

  7. Gentleman Pirate Episode 7 finally be posted on RootJack.com and on the RootJack Facebook page. The topic of this week's episode is "When we knew Scurvy", where we discuss what sailors new about scurvy during the Golden Age of Piracy. Special guest appearance by the Cap'n. As always, we be acceptin' questions in exchange fer free RootJack. Details be in the video mateys!
  8. Well, as it turns out, RootJack was not available at the festival. Apparently them powers that be decided that Guardian had to buy a second booth if they wanted to sell drinks with their normal items. They couldn't afford a second booth, so RootJack never made the fair. We just started selling cases direct on our website, but we don't do Canada yet. Maybe soon.
  9. Ahoy thar, RootJack cases now available direct from the VooDoo warehouse. At this time it be for U.S. shipping only. http://www.rootjack....buyonline.shtml
  10. Gentleman Pirate: Episode 6 now be posted on RootJack.com and on our Facebook page. This time we answer questions about pinks and hangings.
  11. I'm sorry lass. Did ye not find their tent or was their tent void O'RootJack?
  12. Just confirmed... Guardian Games will be at the Portland Pirate Festival this weekend with RootJack!
  13. I normally don't post every location that takes to sellin' RootJack. I really don't wish to bore and perturb the members of this hear board. However this little news tidbit is worth mentionin'. See VooDoo Elixirs be out of the dread pirate port of Elkhart, Indiana. Ye know we be tough since we have to slog to the Caribbean all the way from the corn belt. Shippin' something as heavy as RootJack can take any ship to task. Shippin' all the way from the midwest to Oregon takes a special kind of Pirate bravado. I'd like to see these mates rewarded for the tenacity, so I'm hopin' a few of you Oregon pirates can stop in to their shop and buy up all their RootJack. The name of the place be Guardian Games, and it looks to be a fine place. I also understand they'll be hittin' the local pirate festivals as well. Portland having a fine concentration of handsome pirates, they should do fine. So check out Guardian Games in Portland, and get yerself some Pirate Energy in the form of a delicious and icy cold RootJack.
  14. Gentleman Pirate: Episode 5 be posted. This time we discuss the difficulties of "Taking Memphis".
  15. Tiger Lee, your quote has been sent! Let me know if ye did not receive it. Bonus News: RootJack just won a bronze in the July issue of the trade rag, Beverage World magazine in the carbonated soft drink (CSD) category. Candidates were judged based on innovation of ingredients, packaging and positioning as well as overall uniqueness. Winning anything against the major players is quite a prize indeed.
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