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About originalcin

  • Birthday 12/10/1954

Profile Information

  • Location
    Baltimore, Maryland
  • Interests
    I am the ship's cookie and a gunner for the Crewe of the Vigilant. I sew my own garb and am always looking for new information about piracy.
  1. I like my tripe with soy sauce and hot chilis in oil! That's how the Chinese eat it. YUM!
  2. It was great having you and the others to play and enjoy our hospitality! Looking forward to seeing you again! OCin
  3. LOL, aye Hugh, that ye do sir!!!!!
  4. 'Giggles' thankee, Kian! A cider it is! OCin
  5. I have roasted pork over an open fire. It was roasted with a lemon juice/olive oil/oregano baste. Size will determine how long it takes. I usually set it fairly close to the fire to brown the outside, turning as needed to prevent burning, and then set the meat higher up above the heat with a hand time of 3 seconds to burning for heat level. At Pohick, I made boiled plum duff on site. I made "Plum Duff the easy way" from "Lobscouse and Spotted Dog". It was a bit dry for my taste, but goes excellent well with creme anglais (read melted vanilla bean ice cream). The plum duff made with beef fat is much tastier. As far as mutinies from bad food, it wasn't the boiled food that did it - it was the rotten meat and overly weevily biscuit! Ships with good captains ate well. OCin
  6. I like to browse the stores mentioned but also Marshall's and TJ Maxx. I purloined a lovely folding teak table for $26. The matching chairs were sold separately (dangitall) but what a deal. I will definitely check out Wallie World for the ladle and plates!
  7. Thankee, Rumba! I am also the head Cin of the MDRF Seven Deadly Cins! Perhaps I need to branch out and start an Immortal Sins line! OCin
  8. Aye 'tis true I am not new at walkin' these planks! Just been hidi... uh on hiatus fer a spell! And aye, I do not buy the tankards, laddie, men purloin the tankards fer me!!!! Me "unofficial" status on the Vigilant is "interpersonal ship's liaison" (read "ship's doxie), so line up boys! And aye, pick me brains on MD events. We be havin' much merriment, eh Silkie? And I always be lookin' out fer new taste treats to tempt me crewe with. And just ask me about my greek pork dish! No really, ask me! OCin
  9. Now I wonder, what scurvey dog woulda introduced ye to sich a delicious yet dangerous drink, Silkie me matey? OCin
  10. Ahoy all! I be Original Cin or "OCin", ship's cook and gunner of Vigilant out of Baltimore, MD. I've been reenacting for 4 years. Our crewe, under the leadership of Captain Duncan McGuyver, oversees the Living History portion of the Baltimore Pirate Invasion. My interests are sewing my own garb, finding new period recipes to feed me crewe with and looking for the pirate love of my life! HI LILY!!!!!!!!! OCin
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