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Everything posted by danster.shay

  1. About everything you've ever spat out onto this forum 'as been pure garbage... exceptin' this last bit. HAHARRR. But seriously, your first comment sounded rather condescending and it made me feel sad for those who perhaps cannot afford to make the trip. And I know you're a respected admin etc. so I am prepared for my banning..... perhaps we'll see you at the fort today and we can shake hands over a noggin of rum at the pub?
  2. Mission, UR A DYCK. Love, Danster
  3. We have no tent, but we'll definitely be willing to make a tent like you said. I suppose a P.M. to Haunting Lily will get the email ball rolling? (BTW I'm Tom Bomb's mate that'll be headin' down to the festival with him.)
  4. Well I'm the Owner and one you want to talk to - send me a PM. Hey, thanks for the heads up on trying to contact an Administrator and hitting a dead end. I get all the communiques sent to that account - PM, email and otherwise. . . I haven't received anything from you though. Maybe you can give me more specifics on the how you tried to make contact and what kind of error reply you got, when you PM me. I just had the same problem trying to contact you via private message. (user cannot accept any more messages). Also a friend of mine is having no luck getting a registration email sent to his email account (actually two separate email accounts.) Possibly two parts of the same problem? Thanks, Shameless Dan'l O'Shay (Lots of 's...)
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