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Kilted Eric

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Everything posted by Kilted Eric

  1. The Pillaging of the Market or Market History as recounted by a Pirate Cook! The First Ever Piratical Market Tour! Join The Kilted Pirate on an hour and a half journey through the very well known Public Market of Seattle and see the Market in a different view. October 3rd, 2010 3:00 PM $20.00 The tour will launch from Post Alley across from Seattle Best Coffee. (Ye best be arriving by 2:45 pm for check in!) Take a walking, rain or shine trip through the Market area and hear the stories told from an old salty dog's view point. Stories, songs, and who knows what else! To secure your place on this voyage, please contact (before Oct 2nd) Kilted Eric Musehl 206-679-1325 kiltederic@gmail.com This event is to support Ryan Musehl on his trip to LA. To learn more please visit https://sites.google...ndryantola/home for more information and more ways to support!
  2. I have an old steamer trunk, that after some redesigning, will become my camp box
  3. While I will not be attending the Steam Con event, I do live in Seattle! And I am a tour guide for a wonderful food tour company (sorry to shill, but I have mouths to feed :) Also, I would love to meet some of you while in town, look me up on Facebook or via email ( kiltederic@gmail.com ) or here of course. Things to check out : Seattle Steam Rats LastWear (while not really Steam Pirate Punk, they rock! A few of my friends / coworkers and ex-coworkers) And lastly Savor Seattle Food Tours This is the company I work for. If you are interested in taking a tour, and having me be your guide, please call the 1800 number and talk to one of our phone staffers, they can help pick out tours I am working. (otherwise you'll get the luck of the draw so to speak.) If you get enough folks (say 10+) how want to take a private tour, (maybe in your various kits - hell I would for go the normal uniform and put on me gear as well) also call the 1800 number. May I suggest the Gourmet Seattle Tour - wine, sangria, and beer!
  4. Hmm.. You say that you are kilted yet no profile shot. Would love to see one.

  5. I am a tour guide in Pike PLace Market in Seattle. I am the only kilted tour guide in the Market!
  6. could we use google maps in some way?
  7. Buy a round of drinks? Humm, being the cheap bastard that I am, I will take a walk tonight along the docks and see if there is a barrel of rum left unattended!
  8. E'ving to the lot of you's! My name is Kilted Eric (but you can call me Eric, or the Skirted River Pirate, or that weirdo in a kilt if ye prefer) and I am pleased to start coming out of the shadows a wee bit more. A little aboot my self - I am 34 years of age, I am a fine lady of which has taken my hand about 5 years ago. We have one son named Ryan who is 4 and a half, and we are expecting a new deck hand in February 2011. We live in Seattle, home of the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, Good Beer and the wonderful Seafair Pirates. For my gold I labor as one of the more "famous" Guides of the Pike Place Market for a food tour company called Savor Seattle Food Tours (if ye care to look). My lady and I are also White water River Guides for a FT. Lewis MWR program (thus the river pirate idea). As far as my career as a pirate is concerned as it stands I pretty much an just a nutter who likes to wear odd clothing. The kit I have made for myself is mostly various pieces of stuff I have found in the back of the closet that when whipped together get a decent looking outfit. My interest in historical accuracy in my kit is currently low. It is an interest, but way on the back burner, thats for sure (money and time for creating things is low). There are other things though that intrigue me; camp cooking - rustic style, music and chanties, and things that go BOOM! I have been mostly lurking here for some time now, but I follow along and enjoy what I read. I was lead here by a friend from an other board - Tartan Jack. I look forward to more time wasted here! :) Yours with out Pants.... KE
  9. They made a Carbide Cannon basically, but in a real cannon! hehe!
  10. Seattle hit 95 today. Thusly, instead of my usual kilt wearing, tonight I am in a sarong. While not quite pirate-ish, it is still really comfy!
  11. Steamed Tators, carrots and Cabbage.
  12. cool, Thanks Mark.
  13. wow, I love threads that wander around! You all are good at this. Thank you all for the insight and advice. I will read through the Harp story, and I understand that not all history is shiny and pretty. For a fun romp look up the Sweany Bean clan sometime! he he h. Thanks odles! (hum, do pirates say "odles")
  14. Holy Jumping Jimmy on a Plank! Those are things of beauty! I would give my right.....(ahem) for your instructions! Great work to Iron Jack, and a great Pic!
  15. OMG OMG OMG I started looking up on youtube and other video sources. I WANT I WANT.. This would be perfect. Small and light to pack in a camper. But stupid fun!
  16. So in a different thread I talk about turing a Pop Up tent trailer into a Pirate theme pop up tent trailer. I was thinking about making a small cannon to have some fun with. But not a Black powder type. My friend suggest (my friend being a seattle area theater rigger, fire performer and a pyrotechnicnition) I make a Calcium Carbonate cannon, I found some instruction on the old interwebs The link... Anyone have any experience in this type of cannon. I would make it out of PVC and wood. Thoughts?
  17. Thanks Ranson! Some interesting ideas there. I am also highly intrigued by the idea of the Spaniards in this area. I look forward to hearing more of your stories. I am a tour guide in Seattle, and growing into a history buff. This history, albeit way outside my timelines for history that I talk about, but to me really interesting. I grew up in Minnesota, and my thoughts were a French Fur trader kinda guy heading west and raiding river camps for booty.
  18. That will be a fun read. I started skimming it, and it looks enlightening.
  19. Well there are several house in my neighborhood, but I also live in Seattle. Ever consider the west coast!
  20. Hi all, When is doubt ask people smarter than you. Thats my mantra. I have been curious about pirate activity on rivers in the Fur trading years. Where this comes from - -my wife and I are white water river guides in Washington state. My character idea (the SKirted River Pirate) is born from this sport. It would be interesting to me to put some history behind the character. Thank you in advance,
  21. When we get to start working on that, I will be calling to you folks for advice. This will be more Hollywood / Silly Pirate than PC. In my minds eye, I picture it painted to look like a boat, and when it is popped up as well. One thing I want is an anchor, but I am thinking foam core rather than metal (lighter).
  22. When my wife and I get the time, we are going to redecorate our old Pop Up Tent trailer with a Pirate ship theme.
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