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Galen O'Keeffe

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Everything posted by Galen O'Keeffe

  1. SEVENTEEN!! - Scarlett Jai (several times)
  2. Ummm, i thinks i did it right. Heres to hoping!
  3. so where do i sign up?? hopes im still welcome in camp archangel, but ill cop a squat anywere i can if i must. had such a ball i wouldnt miss a PIP for anything
  4. As a PiP/FTPF first timer let me tell you that i had a BLAST! I wish to join Spike in adding my deepest TYs to any and all who made the time on the key such an enjoyable experience. already looking forward to PiP/FTPF 2010. TY one and all once again, i raise my glass to each of you.
  5. Edward and Lily went home with a few unclamed odds and ends. not sure what your missing was among thier spoils, but its another person to ask
  6. Wow, how many ended up getting marked like this at PiP?? gee, i guess i should sorta feel left out returning unscared < NOT>.
  7. well cousin Robbie, it was a great pleasure to finally get to meet ya. you are a scholar and a gentleman. im sure i speak for all when i say TY for making breakfast-in-bed for everyone. and although he is too proud to admit it, Mr d'Dogge owns you his life (so brave of ou to jump in to save him like that)
  8. Dang, where does one begin: - becoming a cannoneer!!!!!!!!!! - meeting some of the nicest strange people in the world - the food (crew dinner rocked) - having fun storming the fort
  9. My lordy PiP was a blast!!! TY to everyone who made it such a trime to remember

  10. just joined up, and figured i say 'ello! not too sure how much is 'posta go in 'ere, but ill give it a wack. im brand new to 'istorical re-enactment. ive lucked out with the fact that me brother and his wife are helping me get me kit together. the first event i plan on attending is PiP. and for any that know him, sadly im Edward O'Keeffe's lil brother.
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