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Everything posted by PoD

  1. Mine is: https://www.instagram.com/letters_of_marque/
  2. With my Son being a gaming streamer and me having to be his I.T. support, I rekindled my love of technology and gaming. I got slightly addicted to Minecraft and have been building a pirate port.
  3. That reminds me i need to order a smokers companion off him
  4. Havent had any pics taken in the last few years but here are the most recent ones of me in my gear.
  5. Happy Birthday Pyracy Pub. May there be many more.
  6. Just about managed to survive the recession and the epidemic but Letters of Marque is still going.
  7. Sorry I missed out on it this time. This is the first time I think I have been on here this year. Lifes been a bit hectic.
  8. The courier I was sending my parcel with went bust over christmas and I had to go and pick it back up yesterday. It will be in the post again tomorrow. Thank you to my secret santa for the pirate plasters (band-aids I believe you call them), playing cards and magnetic pirate poetry set :)
  9. Awesome..I will do that now
  10. bugger I missed out...If its not to late I am up for it again this year
  11. I'd like it to continue. And there is no reason why you yourself should cover all the presents for the people who's secret santa hasn't sent them anything. Next year if this happens let me know and I will also help to send out gifts for the neglected participants :)
  12. I think mine has arrived as I got a couple of cool books come through from Amazon that I didnt remember ordering. Thanks Santa :)
  13. I've sent mine off but unfortunately missed the cut off day by one day for parcels getting to the USA before Christmas. It should still arrive either before the New Year or the week after if the postal service isn't to screwed up from the Christmas rush
  14. yeah I'm in as usual too
  15. Good find. Just bought a copy.
  16. Yeah I can do that. I need to get into book binding anyway as have a few navigation related books I want to reproduce. I might treat myself to a course on it later in the year. you only need to look at the titles of some of the 17th/18th century dissertations to get an idea of how you can stretch a couple of word title into a short essay.
  17. Glad I could be of service
  18. From the album: My Creations

    This is an order I recently completed for a Spanish reenactment group, consisting of 5 French Marine belts with 15 hole cartridge boxes and one small Grenadiers box with sling.

    © © Letters of Marque 2013

  19. PoD

    My Creations

    Stuff I have made or printed or generally worked on.
  20. Thats cool. I will look out for it.
  21. very interesting. I wonder if by drawers he means sliding drawers or removable trays that lift out? It would be interesting to get hold of an actual sea surgeons journal and see if he had written an account of where each Medicine stands. Are there any still surviving?
  22. Cheers mates. T'was a fine day indeed I had
  23. Letters of Marque is proud to announce their new range of fencing quality smallswords made by Jacob's Armory. They are reproduced from castings of original swords and can be fully customized with options allowing you to choose blade size, hilt metal and grip design. http://www.lettersofmarque.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=31&products_id=228
  24. Thanks mates :) yaaaar
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