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About ZeeWolf

  • Birthday 11/19/1959

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Tappan Zee, Nieuw Amsterdaam
  • Interests
    Sailing & Boatbuilding
  1. JetBlue has dropped some of their rates for the very week(s) that we plan to be at PIP A NYC (JFK) to Ft Meyers (RSW) flight can be as little as $79.00 each way, depending on the days that you book. There are still the issues of getting our kit and such on to the plane (I wonder if the Fort will let us UPS some things there?)... and then the boat trip to Cayo Hueso... but boat trips is what it's all about really, isn't it?
  2. is a Lone Wolf on the Endless Sea

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