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Nicholas Michaels

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  • Location
    East Coast
  • Interests
    Living history, reenacting, all things that go boom.
  1. Was talking to Captain Sterling, and he convincced me I had to attend this *grumble* event. I'd be much obliged if you would list me under the *blasted* Archangel crewe.
  2. Mighty fine job there. I might be interested in one of them blasted boxes.
  3. Thanks again for the greetings all. Now ladies, no fighting over the fruit. If I *grumble* have to, I'll climb the *grumble* tree's meself to get you the *grumble* cherries and oranges.
  4. That I do Cheeky Actress. I've had my fair share of hanging out in bars. Thanks Catain Sterling. I sent you a message. I doubt that I'll be able to make Fells Point. It's kind of short notice with work and all but Blackbeard's I can do. Looking forward to meeting the rest of the crew. The free booze is flowing quartermaster. Appreciate the welcome. Now don't be getting sick on all these cherries lass. Silkie McDonough, I hope you decide before me coins run out. One French bubbly coming up for Ransom and thanks for the warning. grumble...............hat thieves. Rumba Rue, you look like someone I could drink with. Not much to tell about meself. Can't seem to find the right gal that will put up with me so I'm single. I work and play hard and love things that go boom. What else do you want to know?
  5. Wow, thanks for the warm welcome. Here ya go Black Syren, all the cherries your heart desires. Appreciate the offer Silas Thatcher but I think I can handle me own coins. Rum, rum and more rum for Joe Pyrate. Captain Sterling, I've done a fair share of rope work. Sounds like you got an interesting crew. Sure, count me in. Tequila for the lovely LadyBarbossa, a gal after me own heart. William Red Wake, I hail from the great lakes but looking to move soon. What be your poison Haunting Lily? And a cider for Cheeky Actress. I think I'm gonna like this place.
  6. Greetings one and all. The name is Nicholas Michaels and I hear a round or two is in order. I got some coins burning a hole in my pocket so belly up to the bar and place your orders. I may be new to the pub but I'm not new to pyracy. I'm from the East coast and looking to join a crew. Here's to you mates. Cheers.
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