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About PyratesKeepe

  • Birthday 02/16/1980

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  • Interests
    Divvy spoils, booty and general loot wit me mateys.
  1. Find a great variety of Pirate Ware at www.pyrateskeepe.com!
  2. Kudos to all you artists! I've seen this project done several times in the fine arts circuit, mostly with book artists. Wouldn't it be cool if it ended with an exhibition or shown in a proper pirate venue. Have fun!!!!
  3. I ate a piece of cheesecake made with goat cheese last week. It had a heavy texture. It was ok but in no way as good as 'Cheesecake'.
  4. Tall Striped Socks with Skull and Crossbones $5 a pair found at www.pyrateskeepe.com
  5. PyratesKeepe

    Cranespost / Pyrates Keepe

    An assortment of photos.
  6. Don't be scourin' the seas without the proper gear! Find these and others at www.pyrateskeepe.com
  7. Tri-corn Hats fer sale, Aargh! Find 'em at www.pyrateskeepe.com
  8. Oh, gosh. We don't really deal in clothing much. Because of sizing. Thanks so much for the tip, though!
  9. So Mike just showed me an awesome book, 'Before The Mast: Life and Death Aboard the Mary Rose' edited by Julie Gardiner with Michael J. Allen Starting around page 27 there is drawings and detailed descriptions of clothing. Very non piraty woolen caps & tunics. Maybe a good reference for those wanting to dress as militia not in uniform.
  10. We are at our max of 20 items but we will soon expand to 100. We carry low and high end items let us know what you would like to see for sale!!
  11. Early American style reading glasses that are available in 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, and 2.00 strengths. Adjustable ear-sliders. Available in gold, silver, gold with green lenses and silver with green lenses. $20.00 Find at http://www.pyrateskeepe.com/main.sc
  12. After a Barbary galley rammed the side of a Christian ship, about 100 janissaries -well trained Muslim soldiers- stormed aboard and overpowered the crew. And of course the other side 'The Maltese Revenge' took place Oh and a tid bit on "Turned Turk" mentioned earlier: Some European pirates, such as Sir Francis Verney, joined the Barbary corsairs on their raids to Ireland and Iceland.
  13. Folding knife and fork set in leather case. The knife and fork are approximately 8" open and the case is 5.5" tall. $12.00 Find at http://www.pyrateskeepe.com/main.sc
  14. From the late 11th century, Christians and Muslims fought for control of the Mediterranean Sea and the countries around it. The Muslim sea raiders became known as teh Barbary corsairs. Many of the Captured Christians were used to 'row' on Muslim Galleys. Muslim Galleys were fast, sleek Barbary ships powered by huge numbers of slaves. They could only spend a short time at sea, since food and water supplies ran out quickly. the ship's captain, or "rais," navigated teh ship. Captured wealthy Christian knights would be held for ransoom. The poorer captives were forced to row teh Barbary galleys day and night and then sold as slaves. 'Feared Brothers' Europeans called them the "Barbarossa Brothers" because of their red beards. Kheir-ed-Kin and Aruj were great Muslim naval heroes in the 1500s. They made their fortunes capturing the Pope's galleys, Spanish warships, and trading ships.
  15. Because leather shoes would rot easily with a water logged ship wooden shoes or wooden clogs were quite common. The word 'Sabatoge' came from a wooden shoe being dropped in machinery to stop it. 'Sabots' is french for 'wooden shoe'. Sorry no text to back this info up. But maybe its something to check into. Hope it helps.
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