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Flint Locke

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Posts posted by Flint Locke

  1. I must give a "shout out" to Captain Thighbiter and the rest of The Brigands. It was an honor and pleasure to meet you and your crew, get branded and sing/dance around to the point of exhaustion! :lol: It was my first chance to hear you all and I'm now a big fan. Thank you for letting us join your shantey shenanigans!

  2. Hm... Well seeing as how I'm still fairly new I don't have any epic tales, but something rather fun happened recently.

    We were doing the weekly performing gig at the tavern and before the first set a few men at the captain's table waved me over to sit with them. I didn't have anything else to do at the time so I joined them, introducing myself and making casual conversation. They were obviously already a bit inebriated but that made it fun. One said that they were going to sing along with us, and so I proceeded to 'prep' them for our biggest audience participation song ("Old Dun Cow") and explained how the key word to remember even if they were completely drunk was "MacIntyre".

    The conversation thereafter went something like this:

    Guy 1: "If that's the key word, what's the safe word?"

    All 3: *laugh*

    Me: *thinks for a moment; smirks* "Th' safe word's 'abeus Corpus."

    They laughed harder, and then we all made a toast to the Magna Carta. Later on they were bloody well prepared for Old Dun Cow. It was glorious. :rolleyes:

  3. Thank ye, m'ladies! 'N one Mai Tai comin' up!

    I've got meself a cider, 'n if things be gettin' more interestin' I may 'ave ta switch ta some good old Johnny Jump-Up, warnings from Fast-Fingers be damned! :rolleyes: This be a bloody party!

  4. Put 'im in th' scuppers with a 'osepipe on 'im!

    Put 'im in th' scuppers with a 'osepipe on 'im!

    Put 'im in th' scuppers with a 'osepipe on 'im!

    Earl-eye in th' mornin'!

    ...Perhaps it's jest me, but I love th' word "scuppers". :blink:

    'N if ye go too far 'n can't think've anything...

    "Make 'im learn th' words t' this bloody shantey!"

  5. 'Allo mates! Th' name's Agnes Locke, but I'd be preferin' it if everyone jest call me 'Flint'. 'As a much better ring to it, methinks. :blink: I jest found this place so I thought I'd stop by.

    Mm... A bit about meself's in order, aye? Well I be currently landlocked in College Park, Maryland and was recently pressganged intae th' crew 'o Pirates for Sail/The Drunken Ferret. Other than that there's nae much t'tell I'm afraid. I love a good shantey 'n an even better flintlock pistol in 'and ('ence the nickname, savvy?). :P

    With that said, pick yer poison sars 'n misses, this round's on me! 'Ere's a 'ealth to ye all!

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