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About SillyLilPuppet

  • Birthday 01/18/1989

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  1. Are there any events on the east coast, or are we too few and far between over here to warrant one? Because I'd love to go out in full gear one day... but its rather awkward and all if its just one.
  2. Thankya much for the welcomes all! And er, if I had pics of me in my gear, I would, Lady Barbossa, but at current the only pictures that exist of me online are more British military than pirate (bit of a side switcher, I know) And Rumba Rue, its strings! xD Or at least, no one's tried to er, 'hand-power' me yet!
  3. Now, before I say anything else, I gotta say, I swear I used to be on here, but for the life of me can't remember what I may have signed on as, since it's been years. So I'm Ash, though most call me variations of Puppet, Puppy, Puppsypoodlywoodly etc. Been into pirates since I was very little, though when the first PotC movie came out I went fanatic for a bit (thats likely when I first found this place, if it is indeed the same), then kind of fell out of it since then. I've slowly been getting back into it, along with historical reenacting, steampunk, and all sorts of somewhat-related stuff. ....Short version: HI GUYS I'M NEW, NEXT ROUND'S ON ME :'D
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