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  1. He had some medical issues he was dealing with for a while. I will post more Info as It comes to me
  2. Dutch, please email me at csuttle3@gmail.com with any memories of Taz you would like to have shared at the memorial service. I don't have a date yet but I would like to start collecting stories now
  3. If anyone wants to call me as I find out more info my number is 919-308-5368
  4. It is with a heavy heart that I must post this. Taz Crutchfield, known to may of you as Capt Remy of the Shadow Players Combat Group passed away last night. He was a great man and loved by many of us in the pirate community. He will be missed but at least now he is no longer in pain. I wish I had more to say but I just found out myself. Please feel free to contact me and also if you have a story you would like to have shared at the memorial service please email me at csuttle3@gmail.com
  5. So upset I had to miss it this year but I'll see most of you in August
  6. Can't wait to head over to the maritime museum on June 11. I'll be working as Blackbeard for the reopening of the QAR exhibit from 9 to 4
  7. Definitely helps. Thank you
  8. I lost my copy when we lost our house in Hurricane Emily. Been meaning to replace it
  9. I've only seen the ones at Walmart but am I the only one whose a little disappointed in the craftsmanship of the action figures this time around? They just looked poorly made and the painting was just as mundane. Also, it looks like on the top of Blackbeards hat there is an iron cross looking logo. Is it supposed to be a star or a compass rose of some kind? Never really seen anyone decorate the top of a tricorn before. At least to me the whole Blackbeard outfit looks a little to "Hot Topic" for my taste. Still can't wait to see the movie though!
  10. I found them but thanks. Make sure to send me a picture once your done with the waistcoat. Can't wait to see what you do to it
  11. Sounds good. The lapels look easy enough to draw my own pattern but it always helps to have a reference. Still deciding on what to do for cuffs. How'd the waistcoat I sent you work out?
  12. That's the one. Thanks. Wonder what I can compare it to "historically". This will be more of a Hollywood style fantasy pirate get up but I'm just curious if there is a accurate time period style coat it's based on
  13. I have a gray coat that is not finished yet. It started out as a old west style coat but Ive been looking at it and I'm thinking of changing the lapels and making it more into the style of coat Tim Curry wore in Muppet Treasure Island. Having a hard time finding pics or references to exactly what style they were going for or basing the design off of. Anybody have pics or links that would help?
  14. Kind of piratical but more hilarious than anything. Ask me about the story behind this video...
  15. Beautifully done! Will hopefully be contacting you soon
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