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About beryana

  • Birthday 11/07/1974

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  • Location
    The cold North
  1. I am in the same boat as everyone else - sorta. I currently have a job, but haven't been on the schedule for the past 5 weeks (and the schedule for next week is out but I'm not holding my breath to see if I am on it). Thankfully I can collect unemployment so it helps pay the bills. I also have an interview today for a job at a gas station/convenience store (Kwik Trip for those in my neck of the country). Its 3rd shift which will take a LOT of getting used to as I am a morning person, but its a paycheck. There is nothing else in the area unless you are a nurse or truck driver/mechanic. The extra time is giving me time to work on homework (working on an MA in history) as well as starting up some sewing projects for other people (paid even! YAY!). Unfortunately, I don't see the economy turning around for at least another 10 years (for various reasons which I won't go into)
  2. I am going to see what I can do about going to PIP - all depends on finances, work, and school. lol I am looking forward to seeing your pictures from RF5 - I was the WAVES Lieutenant, junior grade running around with the staff badge on lol - easy transition, though - WWII US Navy to Pirate. . . :)
  3. Thanks for the reply. I do understand about styles being different for not only the time period but also for the country/area of origin - and I'm not sure what you are referring to with stitch and that sort, with the shift I was asking about style and to some extent the same with the petticoats (I've seen same period, same area with taped hems and turned under hems). I'll continue to search for the answers to my questions.
  4. And they are based on an amusement ride, not history so if you watch them with that in mind, they can be somewhat good, mindless entertainment :)
  5. I am looking to start getting my kit together - and utilizing the patterns (and linen stash!)I already have. I am going to be getting patterns for stays as the patterns I have (and made) are Elizabethan and Rev War as well as the Mantua. From what I have seen, the shifts are about elbow length? I have a French Canadienne (1740-1760) pattern from La Fluer de Lyse which has about elbow length sleeves and a rounded, ungathered neckline. Would this work? Also, on the petticoats, are they hemmed or finished with tape? Also for the waistband of the petticoats are they two pieces where the back ties in the front and the front ties in the back? Or is it a solid waistband that is fitted and ties on one side? I would like to do things properly - but at the same time use the resources I already have collected (and then spend the money on fabric cuz that's just more fun!). :) Sarah P.S. I found the answer to the petticoat waistband and ties.
  6. Thank you. I hope you are feeling better.
  7. Just out of curiosity, why would you need to clean your stays? In 15 years of reenacting (and I'm BRAND new to GAoP but have done both earlier and later but could be mistaken for this period) I have never washed my stays or corsets because they don't get dirty. Shifts/Chemise get washed VERY frequently because they are close to my body - and that's their purpose, to collect the dirt and body oils.
  8. Thank you, Joe :) Just have to keep my own confusion at bay. :) Sarah
  9. No toga parties - Steve Buscemi and Bruce Campbell film festivals with fellow history students :)
  10. Oh dear! LOL Maybe Pirates might be a bit too much for me to handle. . . . Nah, shouldn't be too much different than the bunch I hung around with in college I look forward to spending more time here as well as getting my kit together and meeting more at events.
  11. Why, thank you, Capt'n. As long as its not port - because friends don't let friends drink port (RF4) lol
  12. Welcome aboard lady!

  13. I would be more than happy to buy a round, however it would probably be best (for me) to hang onto my own purse. But I do appreciate the offer. Sarah
  14. Just wanted to drop in and introduce myself. My name is Sarah and after two ReenactorFests of hanging out with the Crewe of the Archangel I decided that I should probably join their ranks (plus, you can never have enough historical clothing in your closet!). I have been involved in living history for about the past 14 years and am currently involved in WWII after getting bored with Civil War. I look forward to joining the Crewe at events - as well as meeting others. Sarah P.S. Probably should add that I live in Central Wisconsin
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