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alabaster cheeks

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About alabaster cheeks

  • Birthday 03/10/1964

Profile Information

  • Location
    berthed close to the ports of whitby and bridlington
  • Interests
    coffee roasting and drinking<br />mead making<br />honda goldwings<br />water colour painting<br />tai chi<br />kilting<br />harmonica and bongo playing
  1. radically cut down and boiled..... next to dye
  2. just workin on a leather tricorn all my family are sayin its too big..... is bigger better also should the front peak of it be moulded upwards any advice gratefullty taken on board cheers
  3. ****
  4. chuckles heartily...............xx in other circles im known as ..the breeze .. tis the name of my trike
  5. my trusty steed
  6. my latest watercolour
  7. alabaster cheeks

    alabaster cheeks pictures

    anything to do with mr cheeks
  8. thanks for the hearty welcome unfortunately i didnt choose my name dont mix pirate scallys and drunken kilting........................ Baldric made today just to stain it.........
  9. slightly ammended..... i started on this quest cus ive been invited to a pirate wedding and knowin a few scally pirates ....i wanna learn more !!! next project ....baldric and leather tricorn
  10. ahoy You scullion! You rampallian! You fustilarian! I'll tickle your catastrophe ! i be docked in east yorkshire have just finished R.H frock coat a mighty pattern it be
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