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Jack Tarrr

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About Jack Tarrr

  • Birthday 06/14/1964

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  • Location
    Hampton Roads, Virginia
  1. Looking even better since we don't let him do any of the work on her either! Don't ask how I screwed up port & starboard, talk about a serious brain fart! BTW DUTCHIE - I've seen it spelled shearline and sheerline. I may not know how to spell or what side of the boat is what but at least I'm smart enough not to drop an oak beam on my bloody foot! Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday Cap'n
  2. Luna's New Port Side Shearline Is Cut!
  3. I like shipbuilding best that way - I rebuild the transom kinda close to what the vision was then the shipwright draws what I built! Much easier than building what he draws! It's always helpful to get that extra inch - could make a big difference in certain situations. Congrats. on the hammoc - now you have to make one that'll fit me and find a spot to hang it! Make sawdust & toothpicks? Then glue them into something useful?? You forgot to mention the chewing gum and spit I used to hold the cedar planks in place and the duct tape and wire ties I use to keep the band saw going!
  4. Purdy yes but you expect us to actually be able to make her look like that? Next thing ya know yur gonna want her to float too!
  5. The shipyard is safe and secure - just really soggy after all the rain we've had! I will absolutely be in Hampton - someone has to help Dutch blow things up and row the Explorer! Looking forward to seeing everyone coming in for the fun - we're gonna have a grand time no matter how much rum it takes.
  6. Actually, those are shots I took last week. Only got 2 planks added on today - one 16' has a serious amount of curve and upward sweep so it took a lot of time to plane it right. Kilty got most of the old planking off the port side down to the rub rail so now I have lots of room to work in the new planks. Just takes so darn long to get them right and tight, but hey we like 'em tight. Thanks for the intro.!
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