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About gypsyRaven

  • Birthday 02/14/1964

Profile Information

  • Location
    St. Augustine, FL
  • Interests
    By day I roam the seven seas via the Internet, by night I am a basket weaver and knot maker. I reside in the oldest city and love being surrounded by our country's history.
  1. I thank ye all for the welcome and 'ope yer enjoyin the drink. I like t' think of Lord Vader as pirate in his own way - scouring the galaxy and plunderin' planets.
  2. Sorry to hear of all your troubles! I think it is going around (unfortunately!). I got laid off from my job of 9 years this week. Keep your chin up!
  3. gypsyRaven

    POTC3 at El Capitan

    Opening night of POTC 3 at the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood
  4. Ahoy! The winds o'change were blowing and this is where I landed! I have spent many a year working for the 'Dark Side' of Lord Vader but now I have been released to my first love - history and piratin'. My current port is in the oldest city of St Augustine - 'tis a good place to be a pirate. I also be a basketmaker and hope t' sell me wares soon. Since me sales 'ave been good, I be buying ye the first round. I am workin' on me garb and hope to be meetin' ye soon. Any of ye in port in St Augustine, give me a holler. Yers - gypsyRaven.
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