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Capt. Arthur Richards

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About Capt. Arthur Richards

  • Birthday 10/08/1952

Profile Information

  • Location
    Anaheim Bay, California
  • Interests
    Reading, writing and general mayhem co-ordinator
  1. nargh don't be deletin the likes o this fine feather eh? pyraticals ye be and since the last two posts were on both sides a me birthen days rememberance then I takes it likes an omen. and I'll be right kind a youz ta keep up the endeavors. Grammercy
  2. Sir William I presume? Time has treated you well I see and given you a strong outlook as well? Tilapia it be then and a Guinness fer me gullet in waits eh? Can I be offerin you a nice cold un as well? my buy mate
  3. I have been enthusiasticly involved for a little while with pachelbel's canon in D
  4. tear and ease must have been added simultaneously so I feel the need to purge these two into one and if ye gots a problems with it change me new word! Tease
  5. New years comes and old years goes. Ahoy maties and may the blessings of the rich and shameless find it's worthy existance into your possesion!
  6. the glasses be empty so I propose a new bottle ows abouts a nice french cabernet? (pop) And here's ta good friends! (thinking to imself and adding) where evers they might be!
  7. And a warm and safe season of reaching out and touching someones ye don't know with kindness as well!
  8. So me hearties ye been busy I sees. Tis good to be on ground fer a spell. I'm buying so what'll it be? Stinky has been busy I sees. Keep! I'll 'ave me a pint o Guinness and serve up what 'ere me mates ere be drinkin as well. Is me ole son Sir William Red Wake about? I wants 'im to know his flag gets more pictures at faire taken of it than the girls get! Huzzah! So who'll be drinkin on and long with me this day?
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