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Everything posted by mojito

  1. i wish i could go, but alas i work weekends. i eed to get off these damn weekends...but the money is so good!!!!
  2. working at an er taking care of people who decided to come in to the hospital in an ice storm with complaints of STD exposure and toothache ----and playing on the computer
  3. pint=pink
  4. Kinda thin garment leather... I'm re-cycling an old leather jacket I bought for $5.99 at a Thrift Store. This afternoon, I actually got all the pockets fixed and added two breast pockets with flaps...It now has 9 pockets.... I still have to do some slight "tailoring" so it fits better, and add eppelets... Then I can take and post a picture of it.... what an excellent idea re-cycing an old jacket hhmmmmm gives me ideas xoxomojito
  5. maybe he should change his name to dirty dog
  6. crispy, crispy crispy what can i say----except i can't wait for next year mojito
  7. 1. oatmeal 2. hospital 3. rave 4. braze
  8. FREE RUM--of course pirates choice tattoo
  9. i really wish that it was all the excitement of PIP but alas it is not. oh well such is life--- get sick, get better, come to another PIP
  10. congrats----i've only just begun----but i can dream
  11. hi all, this was my very first PIP, and oh what wild time it was. i made it home last week but promptly became pretty sick (nothing to do with PIP). slowly getting better, more testing needed but will be fine in the end. any way i wanted to thank Fayma & Tony for allowing me to join their crewe. also thank you to Rustynell and Crispy for being so welcoming and accepting. of course Harry for providing the camping spot in front of his home. braze, oh braze, what a big beautiful man you are---introduced me to black powder by allowing me to fire his BLUNDERBUSS What an honor it was---It F..... rocked. bawdy be what a special lady you are. of course the most famous pyrate of all ---NO RUM CHARLIE what a cutie. there are so many others to remember. Thank you all for a wonderful time! one thing i can say for sure is next year here i come!!!!!!!! Mojito Harriet
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