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Jaded Jetty

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  1. Yes #2 be me Jaded Jetty me post fee Cutter & meself from time to time. Finally got the kinks worked out LOL
  2. Done finally me gots it done. Thanks Lily & Captain Sterling for ye help. Me's found the path......
  3. Dropdead - Commodore Cutter wants to know if u will b able to go through the streets this year? He is in if u b feeling better. We can't wait. Arrrrrrrr!!!!!
  4. Ahoy you can count on Cutter's Crew of course - maybe a few others with. not sure yet.
  5. Here are a few on photo bucket have a time with this for some reason. http://s258.photobucket.com/albums/hh277/jetgoff/2009%20PIP/?albumview
  6. opps - I meant to say --- I likes to share........ I am now downloading to photobucket and will let you know when done - Oh yea, and to Cross there are a few that I think you might REALLY like...........
  7. I will try to post me pics - I have to figure this out - I did it last year hope I can again. I likes to sure - I have some good photos -
  8. Thanks to the Callahan's for all their hard work......... I think this is from all HUZZAH!!!!!!!! HUZZAH!!!!!! HUZZAH!!!!!! Much Luv to you and your crew. Happy Holidays and Thanks again for ALL of those wonderful shots.....
  9. Thanks Luvs for the info on Callahan's photos --- I know he and Fayma are the greatest and I will just wait for the ultimate photos to show up on his site........... I will download my photos after X-mas....... Luvs to all and Happy Holidays to everyone.......
  10. Great photos - now that I've had time to get back on - Thanks everyone for sharing and I will try to learn how to upload mine to share as well. I would love to share photos via CD as well if anyone wants one - I have about 200 and some - I would gladly to some trading or just send you one. -- Now the important question is where are you Pirates finding the Wonderful Callahan's photos????????? I have went to their site and am finding nothing........ HELP -------- Thanks
  11. Oh bugger I missed the hunt again this year. I love the photos and next year ---- Please someone take me wit 'em..........
  12. Great Pics to you all -- Mission the one you have labeled Deadeye & Lil at the Fort - that not Deadeye but Capt. Cutter..... LOL Funny
  13. Yes - a SUPER Thanks and Huzzah to the Bone Island Buccaneers & to Fort Zach for allowing us to be part of such a wonderful event again........ I also, want to thank Wobble, Wicked, & Capt. Short Fuse for being such good neighbors..... Luvs to all that were there. Silky - I still say we should have won that Wench carrying contest. Next year.......
  14. That be true words spoken ther
  15. Cutter's Crew is in - that be: Capt. Cutter & Jaded Jetty ---- and far as we know our mates wit "Pieces of Eight" maybe ajoining us next yer fer they now be knowing what they be missin' if not.. Thanks again to all the fine Pirates fer making this another GREAT year..... Oh yea & (Apple Pie) will be a coming wit as well..........
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