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About IsabellaStrojny

  • Birthday 07/08/1984

Profile Information

  • Location
    Columbus, Ohio
  • Interests
    I am a simple girl to please at times. If you give me some thing to sew or a wood staining project i am in heaven. I am currently working on restaining the top of Nicholas and I's desk, but seems to be going slow cause of the cold weather. In the mean time I have been working on making my garb. I have had help on my projects from Katie and Mickey, but I would say at least 85-90% of the work was me. When I have that needle in my hand I am content and in my own little world. Same with staining.

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  1. No, actually that outfit belongs to a friend of mine who use to belly dance a few years ago.I wore it to her handfasting that we had for her and her husband about a month after they were married. I have thought about learning.

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