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Posts posted by LadyLeigh

  1. So the show is now over...boohoo...hence my absence from the pub for the past few weeks...it ran rather ...err...smoothly...we've nicknamed it "the show the never ended" because even though we only had 20 rehearsal days, a ill lead and tech that didn't get done till the day before the show we managed to pull it off. The invited dress rehearsal was rather eventful...our lead..Westley...was really sick and we had to stop the show for 15 mins while he threw up...but he insisted we continue so we did. Other than that...and a lot of other interesting occurences it was a great success and we got great reviews from our audiences, who thought it was amusing and amazing.

    "You know, it's very strange -- I

    have been in the revenge business

    so long, now that it's over, I

    don't know what to do with the

    rest of my life."

    "Have you ever considered piracy?

    You'd make a wonderful Dread

    Pirate Roberts."


  2. An Easter Egg

    The Princess Bride, - Special Edition

    From the main menu highlight ‘Play’ and then press UP. This will highlight a gem at the top of the screen. This will give you access to a separate menu screen. This screen has the heads of the movies main characters. When you select them you’ll hear small sound bites from the movie :lol:

    cool I'll have to check that out when I get some time, thanks

  3. LadyLeigh -

    Make sure you clear the story royalty-wise.  Not sure if it's old enough to be public domain yet, but you NEED to check.  Even school plays can be clamped down on hard.

    We sent in a proposal to the school drama dept at the end of last year and they cleared it for us before we started work on it this year, thanks for the reminder though.

  4. Just thought I'd let you guys in on the progress. Today we had in a fight choreographer, and even though I'm only the assistant producer, I got to get a little lesson on rapier play. I picked it up faster than some o' the guys. Most fun I've had in a while. I really think I'm going to go into stage combat. ;)

  5. But in time, the lost boys decide "enough of this," it's time to go home to a family and start growing up again. But Peter refuses, insisting instead to cling to his perpetual childhood. But what happens then? His friends have moved on, and sooner or later Peter will start to get bored. And eventually, whether we want it or not, we all become adults.

    Perhaps the lost boys are his crew of misfit pirates? And they all grew up and became bitter?

  6. (Lady Leigh enters and sits on a bench with a 2 plastic figurines, one of Peter and the other of Hook. She looks at them a while then bashes them together.)

    No I just don't see it...hasn't anyone ever seen 'Hook' the movie with Robin Williams?

    Or maybe I'm just bitter...I don't wanna grow up...I wanna be a pirate forever.

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