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Captain James Gilliam

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  • Location
    North Dallas, Tx
  1. Well I know I'm going to Pyrate Week, who else is going? I know we are trying to plan something for that week on my yahoo group, if you're in texas and havent joined yet you should.. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pirates_of_north_texas
  2. be a bit quiet on these waters...
  3. I be the Captain of me crewe Pirates of North Texas its name ever so true
  4. well i had heard of it, but never been there since well i'm all the way in dallas and not really close. i figured i'd go and see
  5. hmm. well i know of one coming up in new orleans. pyrateweek.com or something along those lines. I'd be more than happy to come to afew down there around ye folk. Just let me know if info comes up.
  6. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pirates_of_north_texas/ is a group right here in north texas. feel free to join, and perhaps we can plan some upcoming events.
  7. Aye 'tis be true. I know that the colony has a festival one a year. Next year it be the 17th and 18th of October. If only there were more sooner. Also there be a renaissance faire, i think in april or may next year. Anyone know of anything sooner than that?
  8. Ahoy Captain and thanks for the Add!!!! On my Tavern site we have a post to gather everyone for the 2nd weekend in Oct. 09 for the TRF.

  9. Ahoy! I be here in the great lonestar state. Just north of dallas. I be searching for the pirate type, for gatherings, faires or festivals. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pirates_of_north_texas/ Feel free to join me crew. -Captain James Gilliam
  10. I be here in North Texas, Whilest the crew be small, we're always looking for more or a crew to join ourselves. Whether it Faires, or good 'ole parties. Let me know if ye be interested. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Pirates_Of_North_Texas/ "From Buccaneers to Privateers, and all in between. Climb aboard and hoist ye sails, we shall sail the seven seas. With a pirate's heart and it runs through your veins, wait no longer and join me crew."
  11. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Pirates_Of_North_Texas/ Ahoy! Hailing for North Texas, We be Pirates in search of a few scurvy dogs, and well okay I guess afew good wenches as well. From Buccaneers to Privateers, and all in between. Climb aboard and hoist ye sails, we shall sail the seven seas. With a pirate's heart and it runs through your veins, wait no longer and join me crew. *UPDATE* Looking for others to join me crew for local renaissance faires and other celebrations. Email me and join the group.
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