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Everything posted by Talderoy

  1. Just sayin ahoy ta all me mates!

    1. peglegstrick


      Ahoy back at cha Mate.

  2. Thanks mates! Please help spread the word wherever ye can ! www.mutinymagazine.com Give us a shout out on Facebook if ye can thanks
  3. Free 7 foot palm trees!There are 5 of them and they are in pots. You can halve the palm sbut not the pots. Let me know if you are interested I am in the Los Angeles area.

  4. www.MutinyMagazine.net take a look mates!

  5. There is a small learning curve when on deck at Mutiny magazine. The reason for the slowness is the high quality of the graphics. We could not get around this, but with a little patience ye will find it becomes easier. We hope ye like our adventure and join us. We have allot instore fer ye !Our main website mutinymagazine.com had so many hits the first 36 hour the server had problem and we are working on that so please visit our back up for now www.mutinymagazine.net When on our island hit the facebook button so ye can join our crew. That way we will tell ye when the next adventure begins. May ye swords be sharp and ye have cheese with yar wine! Talderoy
  6. Mates only three days left in the best of Los Angeles Contest and I need yar help. Help me pirate business win mates. I sayzzz to arm to arms . Please take a minute to vote and I'll owe ye big time.Please vote fer me Shoppe Studio City Tattoo Here is the link. http://losangeles.citysearch.com/bestof/nominees/2010/tattoo
  7. So hard being in differnt places. Mates, and I use the word to it's fullest. I can not stress enough that we are an order and it is now up to us to make the way. Everyone of you get a vote for our newest members. Pirates Magazine wants to honor our new members every two years. I say we nominate now officially and in the second year the vote begins. Once again things go they way we wish. We are Pirates magazines Devil's Dozen but we are are own Order Of Leviathan. We bring in who we wish!!! Bilgemunky is a great addition, so is Capn Slappy and MAtt has my Vote. Last year we had the rings made by Skinny Dog Designs Hollywoods number one movie jewelry designers.The rings cost me 250.00 each x 14. This year they might be closer to 300.00 a piece. I can not afford to bear the cost of this again by myself. What do we do for the new members ? Ps if ye need me tellnotales@covad.net
  8. Mates , It's time to have it out and vote who's in charge of the Order what be our next course plotted. We have some fine recruits asking to come aboard , but first some blood needs to be shed and a Leader we need. A vote is called for mates a vote for the new Captain of the Order. They be brave and bold, willing to work long thankless hours for their brethren. (I know a thing or two about this and I'll nell ye tis not an easy job.) We be havin some fine recruits askin to join us and thars work to be done .Who wil step up to the helm, step now before we be steppin ye. Talderoy
  9. Aye this one makes me shiver a bit ,like goose bumps in me spine
  10. Post here if interested. Each OL ring holder has a nominee . We will consider all interested. WE will tell people at a later date when to submit Pictures and Bio to Pirates Magazine. WE HAVE OUR EYE ONE YOU!
  11. As much as I respect Jeff and see his point I really just feel we should keep Order of Leviathan. It does seem we cheapen our Order by being afraid of the public scrutiny.(When did pirates ever fear public scrutiny!) I can have my arm bend into agreeing by a vote if it goes that way.This is a pirate democrocy. But im my heart I feel we should not change the name it is what it is. I have allot of respect for the members and hope this becomes something fun and worth doing. I'm not worried if people think we are Devil Worshipers because all they ahve to do is meet us . Come on Do you really think that we are devil worshipers ? WE are the Order of Leviathan if you want you can reffer to it as the Honorable Order of Leviathan but we are the Order of Leviathan
  12. Those interested in being considered into the Honorable Order of Leviathan please let us know your interest. Each of the Order has a vote for a potential new member so start seeking us out!Please also send any info to Pirates Magazine.
  13. Start looking mates ! The earlier we get nomanees in the bester right? If you have any suggestions let them know to send in pictures and bios to Pirates Magazine.
  14. What say ye ? http://www.bilgemunky.com/pirate-commentary/after-action-report-2010-devils-dozen-ceremony/#more-3919
  15. I would love to be able to get together with all of you in a coffe house and discuss things.What a fun time that would be.Internet is so cold in here
  16. A vote is in order as this is official OL biz.
  17. My feelings This name is edgy and conjors up images of high adventure and sea monster. I'm proud to be ascociated with pirates such as yer selfs. It's what we do that defines us, let make a good example of ourselfs
  18. I just heard from Oberon Jamie Bellow .HE say's Aye keep the name.
  19. <a href="http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/itellnotales/?action=view&current=pirate-flag-button.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/itellnotales/pirate-flag-button.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
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