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About JillHandedRed

  • Birthday 05/17/1975

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    Melbourne, FL (that's the "Space Coast" - like me Cap'n says)
  1. wooohooo!!! sooo close!! Took apart the baker's tent @ Diosa's earlier today...Bootleg's cleaning the guns now...been a while since he got to play =) yippee!! Can't wait to see eberybody again!!
  2. Happy Christmas to the Pirate Fam!!

  3. he says Hi back - you'll have to come for another event - sheesh, Florida is full of 'em =) xoxoxox

  4. hey, just popping in to say ty for the pleasure of meeting you and your whole gang. only like 50 more weeks till PiP time again. say 'hey' to young blood for me

  5. Happy happy bday to you!!
  6. Youngblood's "bites" from that thing JUST fell off today - leaving a nasty scar in their place!!! Sheesh - at least his didn't spell his name - we sooo saw that M a d " - that thing knew it was you and wanted to leave its mark!!
  7. Cross - Dawson would happily be your minion any day!! our thanks to the following: 1) Hurricane, we couldn't have gotten there without you...and for being strong enough to say "goodbye" when it got to that point... 2) Fayma and Tony for the pics from last year - our blank wall that needed pics for 2 years finally got the right ones 3) Silkie for playing introducer early on - Dawson felt better knowing Anna's name - he never got why she and Josh were called "snotties" - so thank you for doing that 4) Fayma, Lily, Spike and the BIBs, and especially the Park Service for coordinating and letting us have such a wonderful place to play each year... 5) Shay - mmm, for those raisin-donut things...mmmm...so gald we met ya in Key Largo!! 6) Sassanee and Vintage for the Thai food...thank you for the yum yums and the laughs - you guys rock!! 7) Cross, for making my jaw drop every time you spoke - you are SOOOO DAMN funny!! 8) Jeff for the venison and more...delish!! 9) Mission - for letting me share a piece of my "paid world" life - I love being the fun bank manager 10) Lily - for sooo much, but especially just being you - what a pure heart you have!! 11) Mickey and Kate - for the wine, for fixing my gun and letting me shoot yours, Mickey, and for fitting into the boy clothes, Kate, so I didn't feel huge 'cause you are tiny!! 12) Stynky - for your yummy "shite" - it was so great seeing you again!! 13) Diosa - for bringing us home and going WAY above and beyond when I know you was not feelin good - thank you for running WTP - Dawson was soooo happy he could partake...and thanks for Plan B every time we turned around 14) Island Cutter - for taking care of my lost coat so I didn't have a mental break down 15) Drop Dead - for asking Diosa and I to be bridesmaids...we love you and are so happy to be part of it!! 16) Scotty for pounding in our stakes thru that damn coral!! Even the mini hurricane couldn't fight those!! 17) Sully for coming down to play and for bringing Ulick - he was great fun and sooo despirately needed in several events... 18) Doug, Cutter and Io for teaching me about the care and cleaning of Cast Iron - ugh, what a pain!! 19) Callenish for the warm showers....wow, didn't know how good that would feel - loved seeing you guys again as well - Hammish is growing soo much!! he is so perfectly gorgeous!! 20) Viceroy who transformed Dawson into a quiet, respectable footboy (albeit for a day) 21) the entire Archangel Crewe who made us laugh so much and made our bellies full...always a plus!! 22) Youngblood, whom I thank every day for making me so proud and lucky to be your mom And lastly, my husband, Bootleg, who, though he couldn't come 'cause of work, still allowed Dawson and I to enjoy and reconnect with each other and with old and new friends... thank you all!!
  8. hmmm...think I'll try chronologically: ~"what's deXer"? ~seeing Fayma right away - the head of our crazy family - welcoming all with big smiles and hugs and kisses...what a woman!! And Papa's amazing pics from last year now grace our wall - beautiful work!! ~meeting Marc Summers - gosh his eyes are so blue!! being too damn nervous to do it myself, Diosa was there for me so I could meet him - he was sooooo nice and gave great hugs and I was so cheesy talking about Double Dare but he was wonderfully gracious... ~the first night at camp...sooo quiet.... ~the open arms of the Archangel Crewe when things uhm, let's just say got a little uh messy at our camp... thank you all so much for letting Youngblood just be there...you know? He was so happy!! And thank you for "taking us in" when we needed it...wow you guys can cook!! Lily, Cross, Sterling, Galen, Silkie, etc etc...thank you all more than I can ever say... ~getting a note in the sand from Drop Dead (aka Jingles) asking me to be a "bridssmaid" I sooo happy!! ~seeing the Viceroy's transformation of my son - holy crap - walked right past not noticing it was him till I did the triple take... ~telling Braise I made sure I cleaned my hole, then realizing that didn't sound right - so I said "my prick hole" and realized that wasn't much better - only in pyracy... ~watching Ulick teach Youngblood new ways to be creative...the kite...the fishing pole...wow!! ~Youngblood doing Walk the Plank - he had been waiting for that for the past year!! Thank you, Diosa ~putting together a meal for 100 in about 1 hr - Dinner Impossible had nothing on us that night, but very sad we missed the auction to do it - thanks to all who gave us the play by play back at the Hide, though!! ~getting to shoot Mickey's gun on the battlefield 'cause mine was misbehaving for a mo' - oh, dat was a nice boom!! Ahh, I so love black powder!! ~enjoying the fine wine selection from the Souris winery ~meeting and talking to Mission and getting some great pics in the process...you are great fun, love!! ~BawdyBe doing One Glass in the Pub - gets me every time!! ~Island Cutter saving me from a mental breakdown by taking great care of my lost coat ~Thai food!! ~ahhh....the Chupacabra....and watching the Archangel crewe "take care of" the poor dead bird....
  9. thank you all for posting these great photos!!! I had no camera wif me so it's nice to see all these great memories from those that had 'em~
  10. don't forget the chupacabra!!
  11. JillHandedRed


    Yay, Mission!!!
  12. JillHandedRed


    you two are soooo cute!!!
  13. Damnation - yes, Cap'n I'll beg should I need ta....iiWii (it is What it is) Yes, DB - 'bout once a month or so I'd say, right, Capn?
  14. Ahh, DB - the fleas of all those camels did find Hurricane's pits - well, mostly legs - he is the hairless wonder..hee hee - sorry - that's for another thread Love ya Cap'n
  15. Yay!! Sgt Johnson!! Thank you for all the work going into this, Sterling and Fayma and the rest - ahh, PIP can't come soon enough!!
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