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Salty Sam

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About Salty Sam

  • Birthday 08/27/1961

Profile Information

  • Location
    Englewood, Florida
  • Interests
    Pirate Festivals, Rum, Sea Shanties, More Rum, Henna Tattooing, Rum, Karaoke & Fun Fun Fun!
  1. in the freaky fest show that is
  2. Seadog Pete in the Badass Pirate contest & me Salty Sam at the end, left of host, during Walk the plank. I guess my rum squirting jumblies were too risque for them to show me as 3rd place buxom wench http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.channel&ContributorID=25389244
  3. I intend to set sail for Ft Myers Saturday, say hello if ya spot me. Just heard the Bone Island Buccaneers won't be there this year, I shall miss seeing them there.
  4. I find meself partial to the Pyrat Pistol as well, whereas me mate Pistol Pete prefers the Pyrat XO. We both intend to try the Pyrat Cask 1623 soon as we're able to pillage it. Anyone tried it yet, what say ye of it? Ye may notice the bottle of Pirate's Choice nestled in my rack. I seem to have no troubles draining that variety ;-)
  5. Thank you kindly for the rescue. I scorched me fingers a bit when I caught that burning bomb Spike tried to throw aboard the Wolf. http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/27...102868556kqBbqU
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