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About Wartooth

  • Birthday 03/09/1969

Profile Information

  • Location
    Dusty & Boring Reno, Nevada
  • Interests
    My wife and 3 sons, of course. My Welsh & Dutch heritage, including the substantial privateering and roguish ancestry therein. Martial sword work focusing on longsword, short sword, rapier, and baskethilt saber.
  1. No offense taken, Rue. They were only used once for a charity fantasy event, so the modern buttons and such didn't bother me. But I don't plan on going to another for a long long time. What good will these things do me in storage?
  2. Sheesh! This is good fantasy gear, people! How 'bout $125 with free s&h?
  3. Aye ... you people drive a hard bargain indeed. $150.00 o.b.o.
  4. *** BUMP *** $175 including S&H ? Wartooth
  5. The following titles have been sold: --- Sailing --- Small Boat Sailing --- Cruising Under Sail Thanks!
  6. I need to free up some shelf space. Shipping will depend on the book(s) purchased, due to the weight involved. USPS Media Rate. Payment can be made by check, money order, or Paypal. BOOK OF THE SEVEN SEAS - Freuchen, Hardcover, Messner Publ., 1958, 512pp., good shape, warn dustjacket ----- $8.00 USCG LICENSE EXAM: GENERAL SUBJECTS - Softcover, Houston Marine, 1996, 600pp., very good shape ----- $5.00 MERCHANT MARINE DECK EXAMINATION ILLUSTRATIONS BOOK - Softcover, Houston Marine, 1992, 40pp., good shape ----- $2.00 RULES OF THE ROAD: INLAND & INTERNATIONAL FOR ALL DECK LICENSES - Softcover, Houston Marine, 2000, 100pp., good shape ----- $3.00 NAVIGATION AND COASTAL PILOTING - Softcover, Houston Marine, 1996, 200pp., good shape ----- $3.00 STABILITY AND TRIM: LOWER LEVEL - Softcover, Houston Marine, 1996, 94pp., good shape ----- $2.00 DARK AGE NAVAL POWER - Haywood, Hardcover, Routlege Press, 1991, 232pp., very good shape ----- $10.00 PIRATE HUNTER: THE TRUE STORY OF CAPTAIN KIDD - Zacks, Hardcover, Theia Publ., 2002, 426pp., looks brand new ----- $12.00 NAVAL SCIENCE 2 - Sundt, Hardcover, Naval Institute Press, 1992, 344pp., very good shape, a couple of markings from the previous owner ----- $5.00 NAVAL SCIENCE 3 - Sundt, Hardcover, Naval Institute Press, 1989, 336pp., good shape, but has some light waterstaining of the top edge, a couple of markings from the previous owner ----- $5.00 PRIVATEER AND PIRATES: 1730-1830 - Konstam, Softcover, Osprey, 2001, 64pp., looks brand new ----- $10.00 COLREGS STUDY GUIDE FOR HIGH SEAS AND CONNECTED WATERWAYS - Softcover, Houston Marine, 1999, 151pp., very good shape ----- $2.00 UNIFIED RULES FOR INLAND WATER, WESTERN RIVERS, AND THE GREAT LAKES - Softcover, Houston Marine, 1997, 178pp., very good shape ----- $2.00 SAILING - Heaton, Paperback, Penguin, 1966, 255pp., good shape, normal wear ----- $1.00 UNDER THE BLACK FLAG - Cordingly, Softcover, Harcourt Publ., 1997, 296pp., looks brand new ----- $10.00 SMALL BOAT SAILING - Hardcover, Sports Illustrated, 1959, 88pp., good shape, no dustjacket ----- $3.00 AMERICAN PRACTICAL NAVIGATOR - Bowditch, Hardcover, US Hydrographic, 1939, 700pp., heavy book, very good shape, wrapped in old depth chart of the Columbia River ----- $20.00 CRUISING UNDER SAIL - Hiscock, Hardcover, Oxford, 1972, 466pp., good shape, torn dustjacket ----- $5.00 THE SALEM FRIGATE (fiction) - Jennings, Hardcover, Sun Dial Press, 1947, 500pp., good shape, no dustjacket ----- $5.00 Richard
  7. Only worn once at a costume ball a few months back. Was a big hit! Tricorn is real black leather. Size medium. I have a 22.5" head, and it was a bit tight on me. Although I'm sure it'll stretch a bit with regular wear. Custom-made frock is made of a heavy guage faux distressed leather. Looks great. Decorative pocket flaps (no real pockets). No buttonholes. Oversized folded cuffs. Material is water resistant. Lined with a satin-like material. Fits me perfectly ... I am 5'11" and 225 lbs. It will be too large for a smaller person. I paid $250 for both pieces. Am asking for $200, which include free shipping to continental US. Will accept money orders or Paypal (please add 3% to cover the fees of the latter). Richard "Wartooth" Smith
  8. Thanks for the link, Bess. That was an interesting read. Wartooth
  9. Oh yeah ... I'd love a good parrot. Slow-cooked with glazed asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. :) Yum! I really should eat something soon ... I think I'm getting delusional. Wartooth
  10. Well done! Can't wait to see her. Will be heading down there at some point this summer. Wartooth
  11. Good for you! Wow ... 46 years!?! That's some darn fine stitching then. I'll tip my glass to that sailmaker! How about a pic with those beauties hangin' from her? Wartooth
  12. Interesting responses. Thanks all! Wartooth
  13. Foxe & Royaliste --- Thank you both for clearing up that fount of misinformation I was apparently under. I appreciate it. Wartooth
  14. Damn straight, HM. Hence the strange looks and behind-the-back murmurs, as I wear my tricorn out in public ... for no reason other than liking it! Lorien - You keep that seat warm, and I'll be there soon enough. A couple of triple-shot hazelnut lattes on me, sweetie! Wartooth
  15. I'll bow down to your experience, of course, Foxe. I had always read that shoes in the rigging were a big "no-no". I would have assumed that the bare feet would conform more easily to the lines and ropes. Then again, I've never had to climb up there. Wartooth
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