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About RedJessi

  • Birthday 05/12/1976

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  • Interests
    Costuming, social sciences, comic books
  1. Gonna have to give this year a pass - but for a very good reason. The date is simply too close to when we'll be adding a new lil' pyratess to the ranks! I know I've been rather absent around these parts for a while, but with good reason. I spent the better part of 2011 planning a great shin-dig of a wedding, and now, I've spent the better part of 2012 rather pregnant. I'm due Nov 11, and just don't think we'll be up for much more adventuring for the remainder of the year after that!
  2. I am the bigger pain in the ass that won't arrive until Friday night. I could only get a bit of time to leave work early. But I have to pick up Patrick in Orlando. I am hoping to Leave South Florida at 2:30, get to Orlando at 5:30 and make it to Auggie by 7:00.
  3. Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 1888 to 1938 by Stephen F. Cohen.
  4. Like I needed another reason to look forward to this event. I am so impressed by homebrews! Can;t wait to sample!
  5. Sense memories are more powerful than most realize. They can be triggered by both the conscious or unconscious mind - thus in a dream state. Interestingly enough, it is not uncommon during open brain surgeries (in which the patient is kept awake) for these kind of experiences to occur with sometimes startling results (ie, a patient retching after experiencing the distinct aroma of vomit after the surgeon tapped the section of the brain that apparently catalogs things like that). As for PTSD, it is characterized by specific symptoms in the wake of an extremely traumatic event in which the individual witnessed an event that caused serious injury, death or threat of death, or had the physical integrity of themselves threatened in similar ways. Initial response is generally intense fear, horror and/or helplessness, avoidance of triggering stimuli, persistent reexperience of the event, and specific symptomotology that is persistent for no less than 1 months time. The next version of the DSM might include a new differential diagnosis for a chronic form of PTSD as well, allowing for the experience of various symptoms over the span of years, which (in my professional opinion) is actually a far more accurate descriptor as I tend to see people seek professional help years after the traumatic event, not within weeks or months. In point of fact, I do not believe I have ever had a woman come in for rape counseling any sooner than 11 months after the assault. I do tend to wax rhapsodic on this topic, so I will end this here, but if you want more info on the symptomotology, I will be more than happy to provide it!
  6. So, that happened.

  7. Count me in with a plus one! Also, Vintage Sailor, check your PMs
  8. It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that I Will be unable to attend this year. Two of my dear friends are tying a totally different kind of knot and they have scheduled the bachelorette festivities for the weekend of Dec 4. I hope that next year is kinder and that I get to see my pirate friends at different events in the course of the year.
  9. I am actually planning on being there longer than Friday and Saturday night this year, so I would love to: 1. See the Walk the Plank Competition 2. See the outside-the-fort festivities (like drinking in costume with a number of fellow pirates) But I am equally looking forward to the activities I have enjoyed each year, such as: 1. Cafe Sole' and the crazy good breakfast place Mission knows 2. All Girl Canon Crewe 3. getting to hang out with all you fine folks!
  10. I LOVE this list!
  11. Sent it - and thanks to Mission for the heads up!
  12. There's another Santa Maria event in three and a half weeks. Still time to sign on. Mark I wish Mark - its a matter of having the ability to afford such a trip, not lack of wanting to go.
  13. I would LOVE a spinning wheel. Unfortunately, they tend to cost several hundred dollars. Which is more than a little out of my price range at the moment (and for a long time to come).
  14. My pleasure! I am thrilled that I can do more than either 1. stand around, 2. roll cartridges or 3. get ridiculously excited about firing a cannon! I forgot 4. get drunk and talk until 4am.
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