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Desert Dragoon

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About Desert Dragoon

  • Birthday 07/19/1972

Profile Information

  • Location
    Middle of Nowhere Cali
  1. For tickets and info http://www.captainsebastianproducts.com/party.html
  2. awesome awesome night last night. a big thank you to everyone that showed up and celebrated Talk like a Pirate Day here in barstow. It was a very special night for me for sure! ARRRRRR!
  3. FYI I'm hosting a Talk like a Pirate Day Party here in Barstow CA.
  4. yes this was a very fun event as always. it's always well worth the 3 hour drive down for us
  5. there is a steampunk haunted house slide show on msnbc right now don't know how the link will work but here ya go http://www.msnbc.msn...7/?beginSlide=1 link to the site http://www.thirdrailprojects.com/projectsSteampunkHH.html
  6. LOL! I sooo don't remember you taking that video of us! LOL! I guess I had a bit too much rum!
  7. Just found out about this myself.. would love to go.. but work and other commitment are going to keep me out of this one, well for at least this year!
  8. the bodice section was rigged.. LOL! they should have taken a picture of me lass in her bodice..
  9. The link to more pics from Pirate Daze : Photos by James Woods http://www.ocwcsdc.com/memberphotos/woody/pdsp09/index.html
  10. Had a blast! pics are going up as I type this www.myspace.com/deltavox
  11. had a blast yesterday! it was a long drive down and an even longer drive back LOL! we're beat.. went and played around long beach afterwards.. went to the queen mary.. that was wicked fun! pics will be up shortly www.myspace.com/deltavox
  12. it was a nice relaxing day up there on sunday..
  13. will be making the trek down the desert to enjoy the fresh air on sunday..
  14. noticed on e of the greatest pirate movie series is not on the list pipi longstockings!!! pipi in the south seas just watched it the other night! awe the memories. damn songs stuck in my head now.
  15. yeah... I have about 8 rifles and pistols. My m16 is very versatile. I can change it from the M16a1 to the M16a3 with a couple of bolt on accessory changes LOL! I did a lot of the big game here on the West Coast. I'm a 2 time Lion Claws Vet.
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