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Thorr the Destroyer

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About Thorr the Destroyer

  • Birthday 06/30/1976

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  • Location
    east tn

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  1. back in me youth I had me a 'eavy metal band. We was Jolly roger by name. seems appropriate
  2. um...hydros ain't water. different hydro. these are made with codine
  3. 2 hydros and an oxy chaser will do ya even better
  4. I saw one today in TN that said sparrow.
  5. rape and pillage?
  6. I just found out why people hate polanski. Sorry i was born in '76 so I had no clue. I didn't even realize he was tate's husband. eithere way it doesn't matter. he may be vile, hellbound, filth that doesnt change my opinion of the movie.
  7. "tis easier for a camel to pass though the eye of er needle, than 'is for an officer to enter into the kindom o' heaven"
  8. it warms me 'art tu knows I be appriciated! nay, no sith,he be a scoundrel (scoundrel? I like the sound of that...). share away! aye twas the magical photoshop! methinks it musta been created by ol' scratch 'imself sometimes!
  9. jack sparrow a long time ago...
  10. I love conte. have you seen thier longship?
  11. www.ospreypublishing.com/
  12. being a wargamer thought i'd share. lots o costume ideas too. http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/main.asp http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/collections...s/CUT/index.asp
  13. god, but I do so love japanese people! they make the best websites!
  14. it has been my experience that authentic is prefered, until it starts interfering with enjoyment. if your not enjoying what you're doing whats the point, right? that goes for those around you too. don't ruin someone elses fun for the sake of 'being right' . In some instances, the Authenticity Nazis are wrong anyways. If something existed or could have existed at the time they have no right to say something is wrong. Unless they have seen every piece of clothing ever worn from said period, which they obviously couldn't have. 200-300 years from now reenacters will be argueing that capes aren't period for our time, but by gosh I wear them in this time period, so they will be wrong won't they? In conclusion "applause", do what makes you happy and let the next guy worry about his own garb, kit, costume, what ever.
  15. my favorite movie as a kid was the pirate movie! worth watching at any age if you can find it. It's still one of my favorites.
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