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  • Birthday 09/20/1947

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  • Location
    Bristol UK
  • Interests
    Life and times of Captain William Kidd
  1. JoshuaRed , Please give me a little more credence. You obviously are not familiar with the history!! Before you start challenging me ~ I suggest you do some homework first!! Pardon me if I dont post using "olde English" language. My grandparents from Somerset spoke it for real ~ and I find it a bit ridiculous to see the strained efforts of Americans trying to replicate what was ~ a real and earthy dialect. Anyway ~ if you want a bit of proof ~ go to a site I set up that shows an image of Kidd's island ~ which, after all was the inspiration behind RL Stevenson's Treasure Island. I thought this section of the forum was for genuine researchers?? and historians?? ~ with a modicum of knowledge?? http://www.captainkidd.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/SITEUPDATE.htm' target='_blank'>
  2. JoshuaRed , Please give me a little more credence. You obviously are not familiar with the history!! Before you start challenging me ~ I suggest you do some homework first!! Pardon me if I dont post using "olde English" language. My grandparents from Somerset spoke it for real ~ and I find it a bit ridiculous to see the strained efforts of Americans trying to replicate what was ~ a real and earthy dialect. Anyway ~ if you want a bit of proof ~ go to a site I set up that shows an image of Kidd's island ~ which, after all was the inspiration behind RL Stevenson's Treasure Island. I thought this section of the forum was for genuine researchers?? and historians?? ~ with a modicum of knowledge?? http://www.captainkidd.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/SITEUPDATE.htm' target='_blank'>
  3. I believe I am almost able to show that Avery and Kidd conspired to retrieve a great treasure from the Indian Ocean. The last pieces of the jigsaw ~ ER Snow's papers at Boston University and the Peasbody Institute in Salem holds the answer. I have permission to inspect these papers from Dolly, ER Snow's daughter. This will re-write the history books. For more information on my conspiracy theory ~ go to my web site at Captain Kiddwww.pfrh.supanet.com ~ where all is revealed. Hawkins
  4. I show several images of chests and boxes (reputed to be Kidd's) on my web site Captain Kidd
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