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Everything posted by hitman

  1. A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume 1 by Captain James Cook. I enjoyed the book but as a word of warning to those who want to get the free audio book from Librivox it's read so slow that while listening at 1.75 times speed it often seemed only slightly faster than a normal conversation.
  2. Me again, A General History of the Pyrates Volume 1 By Captain Charles Johnson I imagine I'm not the only one here who's read this one. If your interested in an audio version I listened to the librivox version and was quite pleased. TBH I listened at either 1.5 or 1.75 speed and the reading was still good.
  3. Wicked River: The Mississippi When it Last Ran Wild by Lee Sandlin A really good book about the Mississippi in it's wild river life heyday.
  4. Sorry double post
  5. Treasury of Deception by Michael Farauhar A collection of historical cons that was good though not great. The idea has been done before but this is still a fun little read.
  6. Birdmen by John Goldstone, A fascinating book about the early days of aviation mostly centered on the Wright/Curtis patent fued. I loved the book though I find it disappointing to now think of the Wright brothers as patent trolls.
  7. Rubber Legs and White Tail Hairs Never Sniff a Gift Fish Both by McManus and both re-reads but well worth it even if I don't like the reader on the audio books.
  8. Across Mongolian Plains by Andrew Chapman An incredibly well written book describing expeditions into Mongolia and some regions of China for the collection of specimens destined for the American Museum of Natural History. The opening scene of this book is a wonderfully written description of chasing antelope across the plains of the Gobi. The book is at once an incredible adventure, a sportsman's journal, and a plea for conservation nearly a century old. The Gutenberg edition of the e-book does not include images but there is an online copy that does.
  9. An Inland Voyage by Robert Louis Stephenson and Canoeing in the Wilderness by Henry David Thoreau. Both of these books are short at around 90 pages however both or quite good. Robert Louis Stephenson's an Inland Voyage is IMHO the better of the two.
  10. High Seas High Stakes; Naval Battles That Changed History by Timothy Shutt. Another one of Recorded Books Modern Scholar lecture series and quite good too. Mr.Shutt is easily the most enthusiastic of the lecturers thus far though he often gets overtly excited losing his place and or smacking his lips. Still a lot of fun.
  11. World War 1: The Great War and the World it Made. Another one of Recorded Books "great lecture series", a good book not only in it's content but also in that Professor Ramsden is a good speaker. I really enjoyed this book.
  12. Barbarians; Warriors and Wars of the Dark Ages by Tim Newark Pretty good little book and a good reading of it by Nelson Runger.
  13. The New Testament, never actually read it straight through before. The Great Explores Columbus to Cook, This is part of the "Great Lectures" series and was very interesting despite the fact that the professor reading it wasn't very good as a reader.
  14. Ghost Ship by Clive Cussler Yeah I'm a fan so it should be no suprise I loved it but to be totally honest it is one of the best books I've read this year as far as sheer joy of reading goes. I still feel a little melancholy about it being over.
  15. Post Captain, Good book but...the realisation that I will have soon finished this series again is kind of depressing. Neptune's Militia, a good book which I saw listed here and enjoyed although it seems not even the author's obvious zeal for the subject could wring more than 120 some odd pages out of it. It's quite interesting to see how so many of the Revolutionary War's sub texts hover around this one vessel.
  16. Still Foolin' 'em Billy Crystal Funny and poignant a good read and the audio book has several chapters that have were read in front of a live audience.
  17. The Compleat Angler I'd been meaning to read this one for years and finally got around to it. Fun little book for "brothers of the angle" but otherwise not much there.
  18. Still plugging away, The Far Side of the World, The Reverse of the Medal, The Letter of Marque. Post Captain is on hold so.... :-)
  19. Master and Commander The Ionian Mission Treasons Harbor I'd almost forgotten how much fun it is to live (if only for a while in Mr. O'Brian's world.
  20. Ah the joys of audiobooks and truck driving, I've finished The Surgeon's Mate, The Wine Dark Sea, The Commodore, The Yellow Admiral, The Hundred Days, and Blue at the Mizzen. I have a hold on Master and Commander and on The Ionian Mission. I've also got the only copy of Neptune's Militia in the library's system on order.
  21. Well in my rather odd way I appear to be rereading the Aubrey/Maturin series again having started at two points (Desolation Island and The Thirteen Gun Salute to be precise.) Rather distant both from each other and either end. O_o Oh well I have finished both The Fortune of War and The True Love or as I understand it Clarrisa Oaks outside America.
  22. The Nutmeg of Consolation by Patrick O'Brian A lovely book that as it turned out alleviated a great deal of the boredom I had to deal with today. I'm only sad it's finished. Daniel, It is much the same with Simon Vance who reads the Aubrey/Maturin series for BlackStone audio. Where as the reader for the audible edition had a morose dark and brooding sort of voice with all characters very much sounding if not the same then very near it, Mr.Vance has an apparently limitless supply of voices in a light airy voice that fits the tales so much better!
  23. Desolation Island, I'd long considered this my least favorite of Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin series however it now appears that it was more the audio book reader than the book. I originally got it as a freebie from Audible and chose their reader over the Black Hawk Audio edition. While the Audible reader made this a long slow bog of a book the faster, lighter, less borish,and tbh familiar voice of the Black Hawk reader made it much less of a brooding bore and to my surprise the book itself is rehabilitated.
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