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Garb and Questions (Pics)

Tom Bomb

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Hi all! My friend and I are attending PiP for the first time this year. Below are two pics, the first a terrible one of me in my garb (still working on the bottom half), and the other a monmouth cap that his mother made for me. I've been looking at tons of threads and pics over the last month or so, and have tried to gather things from thrift stores and alter them to make them my own (using as much linen as possible). :) I'm still working on things from the waist down, but I think the top 1/2 is pretty much finished. Does anyone have any suggestions of things I could do to make it better?

Also, my friend and I were really wanting to camp on the beach for a night or two. I know it's late notice, but what all does this entail? Is there any way it would even be possible? Thank you guys a lot, you've already helped me out so much.




Ten-fingered Tom

Tom O' Foolery

Tom Orrow

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Hi Tom,

Most I can tell from your pic, your gear looks good. You're more than welcome to join the Mercury Crew... But registering this late, I will have to defer you to Haunting Lily, Capt. Sterling or Fayma as to whether they can allow any last minute joiners at this time.

But assuming you and your friend can be accommodated at this late hour, please do feel free to join the Mercury Crew!

As to what to do... My suggestion is, look up any of the above listed individuals, private message them or email them (their email addresses might be found in one of the many threads in the Pirates In paradise section of the pub).

Let whichever crew you plan on joining for the weekend know that you have been registered late, and when you will be showing up and leaving.

If you have any questions, speak up and you'll likely get plenty of answers. I know there is a lot of information and a lot of topics, but reading through as much of the information already posted here is a good idea. This Link is to an Index of the more crucial topics about attending. Reading all of it would likely be overwhelming, but try to skim through and focus in on the details you think will help.

Cheers, and I hope this works out for you.

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I'm almost certain that an accomodation can be made, and as Michael said, please contact Haunting Lily post haste. She's flying down to PIP this very day, but I'm sure you could reach her by email once she's there. If not, I'll get you in touch with Fayma directly by phone.

Also, do you have a tent? Would you be willing to make a makeshift one if needed (i.e., a canvas dropcloth lean-to or tarp tent)?





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I'm almost certain that an accomodation can be made, and as Michael said, please contact Haunting Lily post haste. She's flying down to PIP this very day, but I'm sure you could reach her by email once she's there. If not, I'll get you in touch with Fayma directly by phone.

Also, do you have a tent? Would you be willing to make a makeshift one if needed (i.e., a canvas dropcloth lean-to or tarp tent)?

We have no tent, but we'll definitely be willing to make a tent like you said. I suppose a P.M. to Haunting Lily will get the email ball rolling? (BTW I'm Tom Bomb's mate that'll be headin' down to the festival with him.)

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Haunting Lily is in travel mode....a quicker response might be gitten from Fayma...as she is closer to the answers...and she will be needen to know your commin and how to register late

contact info on first page of the POOP DECK

and if those durn dirty Mercury crewe steer ya wrong...just let ole uncle Pyrate Hunters know about it

Edited by M.A.d'Dogge
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