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Things that go BOOM

Most of my shot, shells and grenadoes. The item in the lower right corner is a bag of Sangrenel, basically a bag of chain, iron, & scraps. I used the cut-offs from the chains I used, the hooks from cut locks, and three 2" rings for shape. Covered in a couple of cloth bags, which disintegrate upon firing. Sangrenel is the forebear of case shot. I've got a couple of glass bottles filled with powder (black play sand), shot (split lead sinkers), and cut nails. Looks pretty decent up close. I'm working on bar-shot, split bar-shot and cross bar-shot and hope to have them done before the season gets underway.


© © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

From the album:

Davey "Dog Crusher"

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Cuisto Mako


Very nice! Are the gourds grenado documented? Is it pc?



you have 'exploding gourds' ?!!!!? ;)

is that for fun? or is it period correct?



you have 'exploding gourds' ?!!!!? ;)

is that for fun? or is it period correct?

Davey Dog Crusher


I have no actual "documentation" on the gourds. Mostly I used them because they were a nice size and shape, AND fun, although I have read that stink bombs were in common use. I "use" the gourds for that purpose. I can see that filled with "brimstone", that they would make some god-awful smoke and stink.

In chapter XVIII of the "Sea-Gunner" (www.shipbrook.com/jeff/seagunner/chapter18.html) there are directions "to make hand-grandoes to be hove by hand".

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