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Davey "Dog Crusher"

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Capn Bob


Now that looks nice! I don't suppose you'd be making some to sell, and if so, could ye kindly inform me what your price range would be...depending on the size of the quadrant?

Davey Dog Crusher


Cap'n, Thanks for the compliment. The Octant is 11" high x 9" wide. The body is unstained cherry and the arm is pine stained with red mahogany. It's actually little late for the GAOP era. They started showing up in 1730's which is pretty close and Isaac Newton is said to have developed one in 1699.

Right now I'm making navigation equipment for myself and shipmates, but I have been considering making a few more pieces to sell, barter, or trade. To date I have made a Traverse Board, Astrolabe, Noctrolabe (nocturnal), Cross Staff, and Mariner's Quadrant. I'm in the process of making a Back Staff and after that I have a couple more Traverse Boards laid out and ready to get started.

If any of ye pyrat bretheren be interested, find yerselfs a copy of Dennis Fisher's "Latitude Hooks and Azimuth Rings" ISBN0-07-021120-5.



Fantastic pieces, excellent book as well... However I'm not allowed to use power tools anymore.... Non powered either...

Capn Bob


Amazingly enough, I just got a library copy of "Latitude Hooks and Azimuth Rings" in yesterday. I'll likely sneak some photocopies of various items, to try me hand at making over the long NE Ohio winter season (so's I don't go mad...or madder than I currently am)

Cap'n, Thanks for the compliment. The Octant is 11" high x 9" wide. The body is unstained cherry and the arm is pine stained with red mahogany. It's actually little late for the GAOP era. They started showing up in 1730's which is pretty close and Isaac Newton is said to have developed one in 1699.

Right now I'm making navigation equipment for myself and shipmates, but I have been considering making a few more pieces to sell, barter, or trade. To date I have made a Traverse Board, Astrolabe, Noctrolabe (nocturnal), Cross Staff, and Mariner's Quadrant. I'm in the process of making a Back Staff and after that I have a couple more Traverse Boards laid out and ready to get started.

If any of ye pyrat bretheren be interested, find yerselfs a copy of Dennis Fisher's "Latitude Hooks and Azimuth Rings" ISBN0-07-021120-5.

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