Music & Shanties
Nautical Singing Traditions, Work Songs, Shanties, Lyrics, Music & Instruments.
348 topics in this forum
- 23 replies
I've been stumbling over some wonderful bits of music that were composed during the Golden Age. This first one is from The Four Seasons composed around 1718-1720, when Vivaldi was the court chapel master in Mantua.
Last reply by michaelsbagley, -
- 1 follower
- 80 replies
What instruments do you play or do you sing? I've just taken up the violin (less than a week, LOL) and before that played piano for years. But it has been 15 years since I gave up my last piano and my last lessons were in about 1978, so it's been a loooooooooong time! But I still remember how to read music and lo' n' behold, I've found a violin teacher who has turned out to be a pirate!!! She and her husband have both joined Tales of the Seven Seas and are all jazzed up to bring their instruments and along on the Valentines sail aboard the Royaliste. She's enthusiastic about teaching me lots of seafaring tunes once I'm far enough along to handle them. I've had two less…
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 1 follower
- 78 replies
I was wondering, what instruments are period (GAoP) and might have been used by pirates. I was thinking concertina, but I'm not sure what else.
Last reply by Morgan Dreadlocke, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 0 replies
Hi folks I was thinking that Heavy Metal Music and Pirates go hand and gloves and Yes I do know about Alestorm, but I was thinking more Undead then living Pirates. LW
Last reply by lwhitehead, -
- 0 replies
I did a quick search to see if these guys had come up before and didn't see anything. Ran into them at the Bristol Ren Faire and they've been on my playlist ever since. They're not remotely period, but they have a great sound that conjures the popular, fantastical image of pirates. Their genre is what they call "Heavy Mahogany," as it is folk-metal inspired, but played on acoustic, folk instruments unlike most "Pirate Metal" and the like.
Last reply by Capt. Calico, -
- 15 replies
I'm interested in learning how to play the Concertina, so my two questions are: 1) Does anyone know where to take lessons in L.A. and 2) Where to get a good quality Concertina at a reasonable price. Thanks
Last reply by 'Beer Belly' Bellamy, -
- 5 replies
With a grand numerous pair of weathered eyes sharped enough to spot the finest of information on the World Wide Web... I'm looking for sheet music of period songs to learn on my viola and play at events. I do not mind if they are treble clef or alto clef (I've learned my Music Theory well, I can convert), just as long as they are period songs. As I said, would like to learn songs and play them at events. Thank ye most kindly, Pubmates. ~Lady B
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 17 replies
In the interest of cataloging songs which speak of sailors, life at sea, taverns, etc., I'm going to keep a running list by year, name and citation. Other specific information about a song, such as the composer, origin, etc., will be listed in posts that follow. Early songs are often recorded in books without tunes or sheet music, and generally bereft of notes on the original author of the lyrics and little or no citation, so finding songs for the period can be frustrating, but we hope this growing list will serve to help further research about music of the Golden Age and before. Songs are listed by the year of their earliest citation. If you should find an earlier …
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 62 replies
This is just a topic for me to play with the controls with. No need to pay any attention at all.
Last reply by Mission, -
- 0 replies
For anybody up in the great PNW....this comming Friday the Tall Ship Adventuress is down at the Lake Union Pier and there will be a shanty sing aboard some where around 7:30 pm or so....get there early as it is usually an overflow crowd...Broadsides and the Handsome Cabin Boys are leading...and I believe Pint and Dale are back in town and just might be there....
Last reply by darkRose, -
- 6 replies
Hadn't seen this haunting thing posted here before. Charlotte Peters sings about Bartholomew Roberts...
Last reply by landlubbersanonymous, -
- 0 replies
Mates! I did a pirate version of PSY's new "Gentleman" video!! Would ye be so kind as to check it out? Would make me day! Thank you!!
Last reply by SeanCaspian, -
- 16 replies
Anyone ever listened to the "Rogue's Gallery"? some of the songs/shaties are pretty good in my opinion, others not so much but a good listen if you're into nautical songs!
Last reply by CaptainHellfire, -
I've been wanting to get into sea shanties but am not sure what's good or not. Forgive me I'm a total newbie. If you were to name the top 3 to 5 CD's or groups for sea shanties and where to get them what would they be?
Last reply by Bright, -
- 2 replies
Aye an we has a new tune, written by the bosun, commemorating the winds an tornados from the Blackbeard Festival in 2012. We'll be perfoming it this year, and record it later in 2013, for our 7th ( ! ) CD.
Last reply by Dutchman, -
- 5 replies
This is a song I wrote and video I made to go with it. Hope you enjoy it! Based on a joke I heard years ago! rob k can also be heard on soundclicC HiFi http://www.soundclic...0&q=hi&newref=1 LoFi http://www.soundclic...0&q=lo&newref=1 The Pirate Long ago there was a pirate from a rough motley band; Had a peg leg, had an eye patch, had a hook for a hand. Sure and one day some one asked him how he lost all his parts. Well he heaved a great sigh and then this story he starts. We attacked a Spanish galleon on a dark, moonless night. I was climbin' up a grapple to get into the fight. Someone reached out from a port hole and he hacked off me …
Last reply by landlubbersanonymous, -
- 1 reply
The Bilge Pumps are proud to present our latest pirate music recording, "The Idiodyssey"! (From the press release) Rollicking between goofy pirate comedy music, somber and tragic stories of woe, and fun drinking songs, this album takes traditional nautical tunes and gives them a piratical overhaul flavored with the Bilge Pumps´ brand of goofy comedy and musicality. "The Idiodyssey" is the band´s first strictly nautical music album in over six years and it features sixteen tracks of music for that salty dog in everyone. This recording, being a touch more serious-minded than the group's prior albums, is a culmination of two years worth of rehearsal, recording, and mixing…
Last reply by ibidis, -
- 40 replies
We are wrting a new song, titled "The Guns of Hampton" and we need help from the crews that fired at the Blackbeard Festival. We neen the names of your long guns and the names of the crews who fired them. We have some but not all of this. Thanks in advance for everyone's help Capt T.
Last reply by Capt Thighbiter, -
- 0 replies
Hey folks, Found this cd out of Greensboro of a show Triad Stage did. Number of traditionals, nonspecific in nature, and some decent originals that while written in modern times are right fine listening...if you don't mind the "pretty folkiness" of the vocals, not the good ol' "pulling style" we're used to. My favs are "Remember My Name" "Can't Love a Bad Man Good" and "Poor Margaret's Incantation". Also has a slower version of Fisherman's Hornpipe and a lively version of Jackie Tarr. See bottom of page for full-song samplings. I might be of a mind to "borrow" some from the songstress and rearrange a bit if'n some fellow mus…
Last reply by angelgal918, -
- 4 replies
A smashing video done by a fan and close friend: Meet The Brigands!
Last reply by Capt Thighbiter, -
- 1 reply
Here is a link to the facsimile pages of 'The English Dancing Master' of 1651. It has sheet music and instructions for dance. The work is also transcribed here with midi music files.
Last reply by jendobyns, -
- 0 replies
The Captain's Apprentice by Imagined Village from their new album Bending The Dark The drums just starting to kick in at the end are the lead in to New York Trader which is the next track.
Last reply by Grymm, -
- 7 replies
i cant seem to find any shanties for rowing does anyone know of any? especially 1670 - 1740?
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 8 replies
I've bin readin' again- this time The Beggar's Opera by John Gay. Gay used traditional songs and ballads and put new words to 'em, to make this play. Essentially, this excellent piece of theatre upholds harlotry, theivery, and violence as the ideal existence. The characters all be cutpurses, highwaymen, prostitutes, pimps, and other fine folk. Some of the songs include such immortal lyrics as: "Tis Woman that seduces all Mankind, From her we first are taught the wheedling Arts Her very Eyes can cheat when most she's kind She tricks us of our Money with our Hearts. For her like Wolves by Night we roam for Prey Inducing any Frauds to bribe her Charms For Suits of Lo…
Last reply by JamesG,