The Fools Gold
Midewest - Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Minnesota
5 topics in this forum
- 23 replies
We are the Pirates of the Plains, the Corsairs of the Cornfields. The only pirate ship of pyrite, we are The Fool's Gold! find us on FACEBOOK! Left behind after a major typhoon, we are now based in the Midwest. We are from the great grass seas of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Minnesota. You will find us marauding at movies, kidnapping kids, plundering picnics, and fooling around at fests. Join us for fun and facts as we pillage the plains. Capt. Merrydeath Angel (acting) Quartermaster: Red Bess Bess's spouse, the Sturgeon and First Mate: SeaRover Merrydeath's mate and Navigator Robiere LeGrey. Cruise Director:…
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Greetings! Its been a long time since posting, we've been busy with shows and family and staying healthy. Just found out that several of the pirates on here go to TESLACON! I wish I had known that sooner, so we could make plans to visit. Red Bess and Searover had panels there on she-pirates and Anne Bonny and Mary Read, and on ukuleles. I saw Mary Diamond briefly, and heard that others had docked. Sorry that we missed you. ❤️ We're still doing a few shows as pirates, enjoying the kids' reactions.
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 1 reply
Greetings and Felicitations: Be the fearsome crewe of The Fools Gold still active and be ya lookin' for a cannon qualified gunner's mate? I be located five leagues from Gross Point Light. Mick
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 0 replies
HI. I tried to make a connection to visit your port, but the office never returned my call. Sorry. I was even near by. Hope it was a good one! Spitfire (Diana) Stevens
Last reply by Spitfire Stevens, -
- 2 replies
Crew, remember to check our Yahoo group site -- discussions are beginning on plans for this year's event. Weigh in now with comments and suggestions so we can be ready to participate. Sure, it seems like a long way off, but 4 months goes by fast...
Last reply by Rats,