Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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Yes, we are all scratching our heads over this one...
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 2 replies
I don't if this has/will air in the States. The True Story: Pirates of the Caribbean It's one of a series of documentaries looking at the facts behind big movies, in this case, PotC.
Last reply by Fox, -
- 4 replies
Me and me crew, the Buccaneers o' the Black Fleet has finished a little project. It's a parody of Lady GaGa's Bad Romance video. It took longer than expected, due to the weather not co operatin', me old video camera kept breakin' down.. but we had a ton o' fun makin' it.
Last reply by Zingara Carmella, -
- 3 replies
- 1.4k views NEW DELHI, India — Once upon a time, the East India Company toppled governments, enslaved peoples and staffed a private army and navy to rule the world of commerce — then dominated by tea, coffee and exotic spices. Now Sanjiv Mehta, a 48-year-old British Indian businessman, believes it's time for the ultimate symbol of colonial oppression to make a comeback — you guessed it, as a luxury brand. "Wealth is moving from the West to the East, and all the luxury brands are typically brands which originated in the West," Mehta told GlobalPost. "[in that context] the East India Company is an interesti…
Last reply by Edmund Norfolk, -
- 5 replies
I am almost finished with the first book in Robin Hobbs Liveship Traders Trilogy "Ship of Magic". It is a fine read if you enjoy a little fantasy blended in with your sea adventure tales. Lots of detail and while I must admit to finding the main character rather boring (Althea) I do like the pirate captain. Any fans? Any who have knowledge of Robin Hobbs world?
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
- 1 reply
Hey, all ye with wee pirates-in-training... Disney Channel has a new kiddie cartoon, "Jake and the Neverland Pirate". It's pretty cute. Something close to along the lines of Dora the Explorer. Again, a cute show for the kiddies. ~Lady B
Last reply by Zingara Carmella, -
- 0 replies
Maybe you'd like the sea shanty... or maybe you'd like the fact that I thought to make a Valentine's Day surprise for the characters on my site... My Valentine's Day movie My husband helped me with the technical side.
Last reply by Elena, -
- 6 replies
Avast there fellow sea-dogs! Exciting news! Stoli vodka has selected me and my pirate persona Henry Martin as one of ten finalists for their next "Stoli Original" campaign. Now-- I know what some of you are thinking-- "pirates only drink rum! Arr! What are ya thinkin' lad?" But honestly, isn't that naught but ethnic profiling? Of course we drink rum, but we are worldy beings and of course would never turn down a fine shot of vodka! In fact, some of us may even prefer it! Anyway, you can check out the video audition here: [/url] I'm reaching out to the pirate community at large for it's support-- because- at any rate- we've got rum covered- so let's set sail and sha…
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
...on hold. Hopefully this will be a short wait but there are circumstances that must be fathomed before the project moves forward. Keep a weather eye out mates. May the squall pass on it’s way in jig time! (I think it will….)
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 0 replies
Looking for a great CON to show off your attire and meet up with your SteamPunk Buddies? Take a look, mark the date...go to the website and book it! CYPHAN II
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
- 16 replies
- 2.3k views Its only been live for 30 mins. Go watch it now! The countdown is on!
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 8 replies
I have two books coming in the mail via amazon I am curious to know some opinions of. The two books are "Silver" by Edward Chupack, and "The Pirate Primer" by George Choundas. Has anyone read them? Any thoughts? I am also curious about "Flint and Silver", but have neither read, nor ordered it as of yet.
Last reply by Captain McCool, -
Steampunk Weapons 1 2 3 4 5
by Patrick Hand- 115 replies
In the kinda near future, I want to start working on a Steampunk sub-gattling gun... I've never really liked Steampunk "ray-guns"... but they do have the advantage of not being mistaken for a real gun... (I had that problem at Burning Man with my Dinosaur Hunting Rifle (see picture below) Anyway, I want something that looks steamy, but not too much like a real gun.... I will post pictures once I start working on it, but to start things off, here are some that I'm working on.... The Standard modified Nerf Maverick... Yeah, I know everyone paints them, I just wanted to play with one and change it a bit.... This is the Dino-Express before I finished it.... This was …
Last reply by Bos'n Cross, -
- 8 replies
I came across this list for 15 Movies from Your Childhood to Re-watch with Your Kids and thought it was interesting that three of them are (more or less) pirate movies. Maybe four. Han is something of a pirate after all...
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 7 replies
I have a list of things I already know the location of and am looking at, but I'm wondering, are there better stores? Here are the links for the items I'm looking at. Pocketwatch Badge Another Badge Aether Monitor Compass Goggles I intend to customize the goggles a bit. It has an elastic band and, although that's good for goggles, leather is preferable. What I intend to do is combine them, a short elastic piece will attach a leather strap at both it's ends to the goggles. I already have the base outfit decided on, it's a more traditional, and historically accurate, pirate outfit. A red swordsman's shirt, black drawstring pants, blue captain's coat, renaissance bo…
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 17 replies
Hey, all you Airship Pyrates, time to head to Seattle. Never to early to plan for this November event. Here is the link to the SteamCon web site. More information is coming every month, and since the turnout was so amazing last year and they ran out of hotel rooms, they are incorporating two hotels this time. They are across the street from each other, so going from one place to another will be easy. So, get those airships ready to hit the sky, and plot a course for the great Northwest. And, in the words of Abney Park..."We're a crew of drunken pirates, we're the only airship pirates. We're full of hot air and we're startin' to rise, we're the terror of the skies but …
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 9 replies
I've decided, with much gratitude to Patrick Hand, to start setting up a hopefully inexpensive workshop for making my steampunk equipment. Since I'll be just starting out with this for the most part, I thought I'd make a thread to discuss the tools and set up often used for these projects and perhaps projects that are similar. It's just forge discussion in general. So far, here is a list I have in no particular order of things to get and some things I already have. Propane Torch Dremel Grinder Propane Tank Drill Hammers Knives Carving tools Saw Anvil Workbench Some miscellaneous equipment for specific projects And red bull or coffee(caffeine fuels the imagination) Is…
Last reply by CharityRackham, -
- 3 replies
ahoy all! I am guessing this is the best place for this. I was out at the International Attraction and Amusement Park Association Convention this week and took some pictures of some of the pirate things out there. Some of these are new and the vendors were trying to convince theme parks, arcades and attractions to purchase them, others may be a little familiar. And since I know some of you work in the industry, I have contact info on all of the things I saw. With the pirate fun things coming out you would think there is another pirate movie coming or something Pirate IAAPA Pictures
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 0 replies
WIth the holidays nigh on upon us, if any of ye sky pirates be in need of a new hat fer yer holiday parties, or as the perfect gift fer yer favorite lad or lass, I invite ye to check out me millinery shop at Caribbean Rose Pirate & vintage Millinery Emporium Me pirate ship be loaded to the gunwales with the fynest custom designed, handblocked, velour fur felt, pirate, cavalier and steampunk/victorian gothic tilt topper hats to be found in any port. Get yer orders in quick, to be receivin yer new chapeau in time fer the holidays. I am gettin me orders out asap fer the holidays, so dont assume Ol Caribbean Rose cant be getti…
Last reply by Caribbean Rose, -
- 6 replies
I use to play this game back in the day but I didn't feel it was great enough to pay $15. However when I saw this in my e-mail I figured Id share. "This e-mail is to inform you of upcoming changes to your Pirates of the Burning Sea™ ("PotBS") account. On or around November 22, 2010, PotBS will become a free to play game, with an optional monthly membership plan called the Captain’s Club at a cost of $14.99 per month (plus applicable taxes). This means that new PotBS players will no longer need to purchase the game client or a subscription to access and play much of the game. However, certain premium content will only be available to Captain’s Club members, Premium Player…
Last reply by Silken Jack, -
- 14 replies
SWASHBUCKLE These guys are a lot harder than Alestorm but fun to watch indeed and if you are a pirate who likes crime, pillaging, boobs and killing preppy yat owners then you'll love these guys. [yt] [/yt]
Last reply by Jas. Hook, -
- 0 replies
Fellow pirate in need of help. She is trying to get her merchandise at more events by offering a cut of the profits for anyone who will display and sell her merchandie. On facebook her name is Nimue Marie or go to get shop on etsy called rudeandcreless you wont be disappointed
Last reply by captscurvy_nc, -
- 0 replies
Fer yer viewing pleasure, I present The Voyages of the SheBuccaneer. Tis a comic of the first rate. It tells the tale of a bonnie pirate lass with a single minded pursuit to find her lost captain love. They have recently posted all of the issues online fer free. The Voyages of the SheBuccaneer I do be especially partial to the Episode 4 since there be such a dashing pirate on page 27...
Last reply by Captain Mickey, -
- 61 replies
I figure instead of cluttering the Columbia's Revenge thread with typing about Airship Pyrates at Burning Man, I'd start a new thread... Later, if there is enough interest and as it get closer to Burning Man, I'll post this in the events thread... Last year, I went to Burning Man with the Bomb Bay Tea Co. and had a blast. But unlike Pyrates that plan what they are going to do for an event a year in advance,... So far, no one is posting anything about what we are going to do this year.... So to get the ball rolling, I'm starting to work on my camp gear for an Airship Pyrate... So some of this will be "How I made it" posts, and hopefully discussions with others that wan…
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
- 1 reply
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (AP) One of Myrtle Beach's best known shows is ending its run. Dolly Parton said Wednesday in a news release she is ending the 18-year run of her Dixie Stampede dinner theater at the end of the year. Parton says she will br...(tharr be more)ing a new attraction to her theater in 2011 called Pirates' Voyage. The show will include a buccaneer battle with a pirate theme and a five course meal. Dixie Stampede was a dinner show with a cowboy theme that included 32 horses, trick riding and a stampede of Longhorn steer. Parton says Dixie Stampede will end with a run of Christmas show sin December. The new pirate shows will start in June.
Last reply by hurricane,