Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 7 replies
Hey, I saw the new action figs for POTC4 in Wally World yesterday. They have large scale (about 8" I'd guess) and small (about 3"). The large figures looked pretty nice - Jack, Gibbs, Blackbeard, Barbossa and Angelica. I picked up Gibbs as he was the best of the lot IMO. (Barbossa has a truly odd-looking hat that actually made me laugh when I saw it.) The little figures had some sort of feature where if you got them wet or something the faces turned white and ghostly-looking. I forget what they called it. There were also some mini-packs with a figure and several large accessories. I believe there were 2 different kinds: one with blackbeard and two cannon and another wit…
Last reply by Mission, -
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A while ago I took note that there are wikis for such piratical things as the One Piece Manga, Pirates of the Burning Sea and Pirates of the Caribbean Online MMORPGs as well as the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, but no Wikia for the subject of Pyracy itself, so I took it upon myself to start building a pirate wikia for all things piratical. Unfortunatly, I don't have the time or expertise to make the wikia everything I hoped it could be. I don't have enough computer savvy contributers as well. As a result, the wiki is only worked on when I have time to spare and reference materials at hand. I am therefore asking anyone who considers themselves a pirate scholar to…
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
- 6 replies
This year Teslacon is featuring a Underwater theme. So, if you steampunk pirates are interested on going....this is the event for you! Clink on the link below and take a look at the details. The event is Friday, November 18, 2011 at 1:00 PM - Sunday, November 20, 2011 at 4:00 PM (CT) Madison, WI Steampunk Pirates Here!
Last reply by Red Bess, -
- 1 reply
OK ye swabs, post yer favorite Pirate based limericks, or even the ones you hate!
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 10 replies
Captain Morgan's new look with a new commercial.
Last reply by Pirate Petee, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I have been doing a blog for a little while that has a pirate / living history theme to it. There is a little of everything from comparisons of today's pirates to those of the past to Disney POTC items, and even other aspects of living history. Instead of putting up a new post every time I post an entry, I thought I will just put them here in digest form and add to the list as new ones go up. If you are linked to me on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, I also send out links on those three sites. I hope you enjoy some of them. April 16 -A look at the POTC Lego Pirates Game Trailer April 18 - Piracy Through the Eyes of a Child April 19 - Beautiful Annie Leibovi…
Last reply by Diosa De Cancion, -
- 1 reply
Right so I posted in beyond pyracy about a text based chose your own adventure game called Choice of Broadsides for Android since it wasn't pyratical. This game however is, now as a disclaimer its a clone and not as good as the original but pretty fun any how. It's being developed by two dudes and isn't finished yet but it is up on the Android market and its free. Also it is a relatively small file so it shouldn't eat up to much of your phones memory.
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 3 replies
POTCYou can youtube anything "literal". This is the one of the original literal viral videos..real funny My link
Last reply by Emmanuelle Wilshire, -
- 17 replies
Dresses were hysterical... This is a hysterical movie with Walter Mathow playing a Pirate Captain. It only on video currently, but soon to release on DVD in the US. This is one of my favorite pirate movies, because it is very historical in the contents of costumes, music, language, etc. And I be likin' my history! *snip from a site* Movie description Captain Red is the roughest, toughest buccaneer to sail the seven seas. Along with his young protege, he attacks a mighty Spanish galleon laden with a fortune in Aztec gold. Academy Award Nominations: Best Costume Design. Credits Producer: Tarak Ben Ammar, Thom Mount Cast: Charlotte Lewis, Chris Campion, Damien T…
Last reply by Hawkey, -
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This is a recent interview with 80's Icon Adam Ant. During his interview, he has a slight resemblance to a character we have all come to know. Additionally, the interviewer brings this subject up and he reveals that he is the "true and 'real' original."
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 1 reply
Well, me buckos, tomorrow the black banner of the Jolly Roger is 'oisted over the airspace of 500 South Buena Vista Street in Burbank, Californy --- The Walt Disney Studios, in case ye ain't figger'd it out --- fer the 15th time in Disney's 89 years o' filmmakin', assumin' that ye starts with Disney's 1950 Treasure Island. For ye lovers o' Blackbeard, this be a particularly auspicious moment, as Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides marks Ed'ard Teach's first major-studio movie appearance in more'n 50 years. Here be a look-see at Blackbeard's feature film resume. That would be those movies what bin theatrically released, mind ye! Sydney Ayres were the first act…
Last reply by Capn Bob, -
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My link
Last reply by Pirate Petee, -
- 9 replies
It's up and running, Full Steam Ahead!!!! If you were at the last one, you don't want to miss this one!!!
Last reply by Pirate Petee, -
- 14 replies
This should be fun, Pirates, a mermaid, and Dr. Who in the next episode this Saturday, May 7th, 2011 Looks like the Black Spot even shows up as part of the plot. Jen
Last reply by Bos'n Cross, -
- 7 replies
Set your DVRs for May 8 at 8 pm as National Geographic tells the story of the rise and fall of the Wickedest City on Earth, including a 3-D recreation of the city at the time of Henry Morgan. Should be terrific, if the trailers are any indication. The previews are here: --
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 4 replies
Probably a lot of us played with lego pirate sets when we were younger, I still do, and the new PotC line may be a reason for reinvigoterated interest. Who else is excited? or has thoughts on the matter?
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
- 2 replies
A friend on Facebook sent a pic of one of the character actors to me via my Wall. And I was rather intregued. The gent was quite the looker, too! So, she gave me the link where she obtained and told me it's a new Spanish series with Spanish actors in Spain about Pirates! Oh, I admit, I would LOVE to see this series! Even if I can't understand a word of Spanish! Here's the link she provided me. And hopefully, someone might have some more info, more links to clips, etc. Link: Piratas! ~Lady B
Last reply by Mission, -
- 4 replies
- 1.3k views Jas. Hook
Last reply by James Smythe, -
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Preview of new Pirates of the Caribbean movie.
Last reply by captjacksparrowsavvvy, -
- 4 replies
FYI if your in the area: Ye be warned. Oh, and they had a sneek preview this week that was very well recieved. REALLY rated high on the exit cards. **************************************************************************** “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" movie marathon at the El Capitan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to be among the first to see Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides at the El Capitan Theatre, you'll have to get up pretty early in the morning. Tomorrow morning, that is, as tickets for the Pirate Movie Marathon go on sale tomorrow, March 4, 2011, at 4:00am. The Pira…
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
- 31 replies
Ahoy, Matey! it be September 19th and it be Talk Like a Pirate Day. Savvy! Go get yer fancy costume, feel yer blisterin’ stubble, take that tobacco pipe from yonder treasure chest, 'n start using pirate phrases. The remaining post is in me blog but its enough to make a point here . I thought we could celebrate this day with sharing the best pirate phrases you can find. My personal favorite is Jack Sparrow's line from the 2nd POTC movie. He goes, 'making the pleasure of your carbuncle' when he meets Turner in the ship. So let's see what we gather and may the best pirate win the honor of being the smoothest talker.
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
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Arrr mateys! Put down your sabers and get ready to vote -- it’s time for the Pirate Playoffs! Will this year’s winner be a real pirate, or a fictional one? This year we have 8 new challengers ready to battle-it-out against 8 contenders from 2009. Losers from the first round in the 2009 playoffs were replaced with new contestants (sorry Jack Sparrow), but they may be invited back next year. (The only exception is Stede Bonnet who lost to Blackbeard in the first round.) If you remember, the winner of the 2009 playoffs was Blackbeard--the scourge of the seas. Although he will not be a contestant this year, he will go toe-to-toe against this year’s winner to defend hi…
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs, -
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HUGE DROP IN SUBSCRIPTION COSTS! In order to combat these tough economic times, America's Favorite Pirates Magazine, the award-winning Faire Magazine and The Pyrates Way has dropped subscription rates to only $20.00 per year!!
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
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If you’re looking forward to the new adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow in “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides,” then you won’t want to miss the exciting new pirate experience coming to Disneyland park. Beginning March 25, you can join Jack and a crew of rowdy pirates for a Disneyland park-exclusive, extended 3D film sequence – a sneak peek of the new movie (opening May 20). It’ll be “all hands on deck” as park guests take on the role of pirates and enter Festival Arena to “set sail” for high adventure with Captain Jack and many of the new Pirate stars in the unique, immersive 3D film experience, featuring a scene from the new movie. Look for “Pirates of the …
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 16 replies
Just watched the worst pirate movie ever a B movie romp called "Pirate camp" with Corbin Bernsun as the lead seadog
Last reply by BlackStephan,