Fort Taylor
426 topics in this forum
- 19 replies
So the journey to my sixth Key West pirate celebration started out with me forgetting my hat. Naturally I had to go back home and get it. (On my way to Searles in 2010 I forgot my wallet, but I just had someone bring it to me. The Patrick Hand original hat is another matter entirely.) It's a good thing I got it, because it was the star of my trip. Usually two or three people comment on the ol' Patrick Hand, but this time no less than 8 or 10 had something to say about it. At this rate, when I hit my tenth KW Pirate Fest, I'll be staving off comments with a... stave. There was a large group of what can only be described as hippies - patchwork vests, long print dresses, ac…
Last reply by Mission, -
- 11 replies
For those interested I will be bringing a new large blunderbuss. 90 cal, bronze barrel, cannon muzzle, silver lockplate, bronze swivel mount. I will also have a left handed knee gun among other items to display over by the cannons.
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 5 replies
Here are the guidelines and information for this year's FTPI. Registration forms are now available and are due by Nov 1st. http://www.forttaylo...ion_form_12.doc For more information, please visit our website or you can join in the discussions here and on facebook. http://www.facebook....30021940343737/ FTPI Event Participant Guidelines.pdf Additional cannon procedures.pdf FTPI Black Powder Safety Rules.pdf FTPI Updated Encampment Info.pdf
Last reply by Lily Alexander, -
- 2 replies
Is there somebody who might be able to help take a small trailer down to the fort thursday morning? Would be trailering from Key Largo to Key West. Sansanee has her interview in Miami at 11AM and I'm not sure we can get there in time to setup. I have friends that can help layout and start setting up the tent so I don't have to work in the dark but I need to get the stuff there. Swab
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 67 replies
This is the latest that I've ever started the roll call... This list is provided as a roll call throughout the year to gauge the number of attendees who are coming down to Key West to celebrate all things pyracy. The attendees will be listed by hotel, motel, rv, or tent. Attendees may be individuals or a part of any group, crew, club and reenactment encampment. The list merely reflects names and general sleeping arrangements of attendees and the list will be updated towards the end of the year with a "confirmed" status for those attendees who have secured their transportation to and from the events. There are many hotels, rv parks, and camps (both modern and historical)…
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 5 replies
I really fell down last year and failed to get my meager contributions mailed. The stuff got buried under a pile of other stuff and forgotten until the event was past. This year it is my mission not only to deliver the items in a timely manner, but to be there for the first time, and see this through. At any rate, I have scored a really cool chest from a flea market and have already begun the alterations and filling it with plunder. I will attempt to get a photo of it up sometime before the event. Are we up for another round of DMC donations this year? Bo
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
Ahoy Lads & Lasses, Just a quick note to let you all know that plans for the Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion are underway and will be taking place in 2012. The dates for this year's event are Nov 30-Dec 2. We just started updating the website for this year and will continue to update throughout the year as information becomes available. There are also some discussions started on our FB group. http://www.facebook....30021940343737/ Thank you all for your continues support of FTPI and look forward to an awesome event in Key West 2012. YHS, Lily
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
- 30 replies
I've been hearing a rumor that this year there may be enforcement to the parks rules of requiring flash guards and frizzen stalls on all small arms. Is there anybody that can confirm this?
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 5 replies
Couple of questions I was wondering about. In order to conserve some funds is the Fort providing any other meals other than the pig roast? (If so what ones.) Also we noticed that only one fire was allowed in camp. Would it be possible to have another at the opposite side? Also are braziers allowed? (I think they were in the past) Looking into to those myself. Anyways some thoughts. Let me know what we can bring. Thanks!
Last reply by Lily Alexander, -
- 6 replies
Last year we did this twice at PiP but were unable to do it in the fort due to logistics. Everyone who competed had a great time and enjoyed it. I was hoping we might be able to get logistics figured out so we could do this in the fort this year, its actually very simple. . . Everyone who wishes to compete has their weapon inspected if it has not already been done. One person goes at a time, they prime the pan on their flintlock and ignite it, nothing goes down the barrel. They reprime and flash again they are not allowed to clean anything or knap their flint. Everybody uses the same powder. After 20 attempts their score is how many times the pan ignited. The idea…
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 2 replies
Just some thoughts I had to promote F.T.P.I. https://picasaweb.go...sterSubmissions#
Last reply by William Brand, -
1. Attend the trial...I've somehow managed to miss it the past THREE years in a row. 2. Fire something. Flintlock, cannon, squirt gun...take what I can get. 3. Out-drink Mission. I'd say Mission and Stynky, but that would kill me. 4. Actually have a conversation with Patrick. One that doesn't involve cutting something off of him. 5. Keep Mae awake for 8 consecutive hours. What about the rest of you? Personal goals for this year?
Last reply by 1stMate Matt, -
- 9 replies
Since it's been getting more difficult to post everywhere as things rapidly change, you may want to join the Pirates in Paradise group over on Facebook. I know some of you area already there, but that's where the committee is posting all the latest information and answering questions. Here's the URL: Note, this is only about Pirates in Paradise, not the Fort Taylor event. I don't want to confuse anyone as to what's being updated on this Facebook group. It only has to do with events in town, accommodations, the contests and what's going on at the Truman Annex site during the 11 days of the festival. See ya there!
Last reply by D B Couper, -
- 4 replies
Here is the link to the web page for this year's Surgeon's Journal. I took the on-going Journal posted on the forum, cut some of the excess text, added other excess text, tried to add new jokes and matched it all up with photos. Sometimes. Sometimes I just stuck photos in randomly. There is a whole chapter on Lob, for those of you who have been asking for such. (Although, come to think of it, no one was asking for such.) 2011 FTPI/PiP Surgeon's Journal
Last reply by D B Couper, -
- 19 replies
The title says it all. Lets see them! Post you pics and tell your stories for all that didnt get to make it this year and for those that were spread out and didnt catch everything. Here is the group shot that I plundered from Pearl's facebook. I will start processing my pics tom and start posting them. I have quite a few good ones of the cannon crew at work and the mehem afterwards. Not to mention some priceless pics and video from Zach's Pub.
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 46 replies
I'll start this year's version of a very amusing thread from last year. "If I lick it, do I get to keep it?" -Edward There are several more, but I'm not even sure I'm allowed to repeat them here.
Last reply by Mission, -
- 10 replies
First of many photos. Still working on them. Will update soon.
Last reply by Brig, -
- 0 replies
Stynky was talking about the numbered crew photo I put up in years past where we went and identified everyone by number. 1st Mate Matt posted a crew photo taken by Caribbean Pearl this year in the 2011 Results / Picture Thread which I could go through and number but my back hurts. And the dog ate my homework. Still, I wanted to put up a link to that from here in a separate thread (so it can be easily found in the future). Folks are tagging the photo on her Facebook page, although not everyone is tagged yet. So check it out and see if you can help. (I hope everyone can see it. FB is sort of weird with photos...) Link to Crew Photo
Last reply by Mission, -
- 23 replies
I wasn't going to write this because it's only tangentially related to the event, but I can't sleep with all this stuff floating around in my head. So I'm going to write this. It's a prologue to the event, so those who don't care for the prologues can skip forward in time and read the next one. I arrived late without much to say about the flight here other than I spent an inordinate amount of time explaining my Patrick Hand Original Planter's Hat to a couple on the flight. (They did ask about it. It now has so much story attached to it that it practically deserves a Journal of its own... "The Patrick Hand Original Hat Journal. Day one: Sat on Mission's head for awhile. T…
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
It's never too soon... This list is provided as a roll call throughout the year to gauge the number of attendees who are coming down to Key West to celebrate all things pyracy. The attendees will be listed by hotel, motel, rv, or tent. Attendees may be individuals or a part of any group, crew, club and reenactment encampment. The list merely reflects names and general sleeping arrangements of attendees and the list will be updated towards the end of the year with a "confirmed" status for those attendees who have secured their transportation to and from the events. There are many hotels, rv parks, and camps (both modern and historical). We would like everyone to sound of…
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 17 replies
I'm still very on the fence about coming (and the decision isn't completely mine to make)... But if I am able to make it, I will be flying. While I can book a hotel, I would rather keep it on the cheap. If I pack a bed-roll and am able to attend as a more "campaigner style" re-enactor, is there a chance of sleeping in one of the sections of the Fort that is relatively sheltered from the elements? I seem to recall this happening in the section where the canons are a few years back... But with the rules changing from year to year, I really don't want to assume anything. Failing that, anyone have some extra space in their tent? Lastly, in order to travel light, bringing a …
Last reply by Lily Alexander, -
- 18 replies
Haven't pestered you to death yet this year cuz my attendance is still on shaky ground. Got transfered at work, different vacation protocol, different bosses, different coworkers = much uncertainty. I'll try to nail it down in the next couple of days. Assuming I do come (I really do expect to), will I have a tent like last year? Also, I bought a nice air mattress which I left behind .. does anyone know if it was stored or whatever? If anyone has a gun they don't mind being abused, I would love to be the volunteer abuser. (Exiled in Canada as I am, people are presumed incapable of owning and handling guns w/o MOUNTAINS of government "assistance.")
Last reply by Capt. J..., -
- 13 replies
On behalf of the Friends of Fort Taylor and the Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion, Ahoy!!! The dates for this year's Invasion will be December 2-4, 2011. Registration forms are now available. http://iammaryread.c...lunteerReg.docx If you have any issues opening the file, email me and I'll send a copy in another format. Please see the attachments at the bottom for the Event Participant Guidelines and the Black Powder Safety Rules To ensure a quick and painless check-in upon arrival, all participants are required to register in advance. One form is necessary for each individual. If you are planning on attending or participating (battles, living history demo’s, etc…) in any…
Last reply by jendobyns, -
- 17 replies
Okay, I finished my project. There are all these wonderful photos floating around and there was my PiP journal and I thought it would be neat to combine them to give the photos a reference point and focus. I did quite a bit of editing to the material to better structure it and I think it came out sort of neat. I had no idea how long this would take... Anyhow, you can see this mess on my website here. Thanks to everyone who posted photos. (I gave credit on the last page to y'all, but a hearty pub thank you once again to Tony Callahan, William Red Wake, Mad Mary Diamond, Captain Sterling, M.A.d'Dogge, jetgoff and Captain Jim. If you would like your non-pub name in the cr…
Last reply by D B Couper, -
- 4 replies
Drum Roll Please.................................. We are pleased to announce the Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion has it's own website. With much gratitude to Mission our Webmaster, for the layout, all the technical work involved, not to mention the weeks of waiting, rewriting and editing up to the last minute. You are a one man IT department. And to William Red Wake for the amazing graphics work. There is no way we could have done this without you. From the bottom of our hearts. THANK YOU Scarlett Jai & Lily
Last reply by Lily Alexander,