September Events
194 topics in this forum
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- 13 replies
Been making these stools, tables, benches for William's Tavern at the Tooele Ren fair. They are all take-down designs for transport and storage.
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 0 replies
Tall ship tours Tall ship sails w/cannon battles activities for the kiddos Beer garden Vendors (including food) I'm told the pirate camp will be reversed this year. They are moving the bandstand to the west end of the grass closer to the other vendors. NHEF and Alliance camps will be moved towards the east end of the grass. This is actually a good thing. Keeps the modern stuff together and doesnt drop us right in the middle of it. The first thing people will see when they enter is pirates! I was looking at the Pirate and Mermaids Ball on Saturday until I saw the price per ticket. Obviously a fund raiser for the…
Last reply by madPete, -
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It's the 4th annual BucCornEar Festival in Helmsburg, Indiana put on by the Jackson Township Fire Department. A fun little event so come out and support the Firefighters that work hard to bring this fun little Festival to you! For more information, check out their Facebook page: The BucCornEar Festival will be held September 18th & 19th, 2015... in little Helmsburg, Indiana at the firestation. A gauntlet for participants to partake in, plenty of entertainment, fun games, vendors, car show, and more! For Pirates (who they NEED DESPERATELY!)... there IS a place for a Historical Pirate Encampment! The more pirates, the better. …
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
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- 549 views A very interesting series of circumstances find the Lady Gingerand myself in the Port of San Diego just in time for the Festival of Sail event. Though not specifically a pyrate themed event, we wondered if anyone from the Pub may be in attendance..
Last reply by Island Cutter, -
- 6 replies
- 1.4k views Ahoy all!, Join the Mariners Museum in Newport News Virginia, September 21st, as we Pack The Park to break the Guiness World Record for the largest gathering of the Brotherhood. 15,000 pirates are needed for this venture so plan now. Blackbeard's Crew and the Colonial Seaport Foundation have been asked to spearhead the encampment and living history programs. If your crew is interested in attending and camping, please contact me. If you're interested in hoteling or rv'ing there are plenty of places close by and we'll help you drop anchor. There is plenty of space for all types of piratically themed (an…
Last reply by Dutchman, -
- 1 reply
Aye! the BucCornEar Festival shall go on for another year! The first year was great! Truly enjoyed the radio production of "Treasure Island"! Join the Pirates and Buccaneers of the Resurrection for a weekend of devilishly good merriment the 3rd weekend of September - the 20th and 21st - in Helmsburg, Indiana. Granted, getting there will test the metal of yo'r Navigator, but tis worth it! To keep up to date with what's happening, check out their website: or the facebook page: Hope t' see ye there, mates! ~Lady B Oh, PS - yes.. there is historical camping!
Last reply by Perkeo, -
- 36 replies
Yeah, while it isn't soon, it is coming up and with me being busy this summer, I thought I would start the ball rolling now rather than waiting for the last minute. Details are as usual with the same caveat that changes may occur, but I will update this forum (and others) as well as the web site if and as soon as any major changes occur. For those who came last September, it doesn't look like the ship is booked either night, so the R-Bar excursion may be a lot more optional. Although the R-Bar has opened a kitchen and does now serve food (which was the biggest issue with that last year). There is a Facebook Page for this event up as well, but please keep in mind the Fa…
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
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The Third Utah Pirate Festival will be held Friday, September 13th through Sunday the 15th. Information is limited this early in the year, so watch for updates as we close in on September. Meanwhile, here are some of my own pictures from last year.
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 4 replies
Here is the link for the Surgeon's Journal for the September "Talk Like a Pirate Day" event. Enjoy! Note to the five regular SJ fans: There will be two editions of the next Surgeon's Journal - the one for PiP '10. The first edition will be (hopefully - a modicum of sobriety and a good internet connection allowing) updated daily while the event is going on. The second (full edition) will probably follow a month or so later. (It's an experiment to keep all you people who don't go to PiP (shame on you) up to date with pictures.)(Maybe Lob will go with me since Michael won't be there.)(Maybe.)
Last reply by Mission, -
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Last reply by Quartermaster James, -
- 2 replies
The Englewood Pirate Festival will "begin" Saturday Sept. 22nd at Englewood's on Dearborn [362 W Dearborn St. Englewood,FL] with the Governor's Masquerade Ball from 7pm to 11pm where the Pirates will sow a little mayhem and celebrate their arrival in the city while hiding from the Governor and his men. Attendees are requested to be in costume and masked to help the Pirates remain hidden. On Friday Sept. 28th the Pirates will walk the beachfront as they officially open up the Festival with the Pirate's Pub Crawl [starting around 7pm] ending at the White Elephant Pub [at some point in the night] behind which sits the Festival site Port Chadwick. Saturday Sept.29th at 10…
Last reply by HBlackthorne, -
- 1 reply
The crew of Searles Buccaneers will be at the Orlando Science Ctr saturday 9/15 , 9am -4 for there anual Pirate Week . we will be on the second floor with our display and firing cannons on the deck. any one is welcome to join us dressed out just tell the parking garage and the entrance you are with Searles Buccaneers to get in free and parking. after that Capt. William has open house for any and everyone that would like to stop by or stay for the evening .1106 Rainbow Dr. Orlando fla. around 9pm we will head down to the Belle Isle Yacht pub (4 blocks away) 7521 S. Orange Ave . to sing Sea Shantys with the Rusty Cutlass at this cool little pub and bring ye…
Last reply by Oscar Henry, -
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This was the first year the festival was held in the fairgrounds and I think that there is much potential for growth. There was a large grass area where we had the beginings of a period encampment and a large area off to the side where weapons could be fired. Most of the vendors were under shelter with some even in air conditioning. Pleanty of food vendors and a stage setup in the shade where you could just hear the music in the encampment but was not a distraction. The bands were good. As far as firing was concerned something new was tried. Instead of having everyone with weapons line up and just fire them off we showcased individual unique weapons and then individ…
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 12 replies
So I guess it is less than 6 weeks away... The 4th Annual Talk Like a Pirate Day weekend on the Columbus, OH Santa Maria.... This will be the 8th (I can't believe I have done so many of these) pirate weekend on the Columbus, OH Santa Maria reproduction. Where does the time go? General Event information on the following web page... Or for information more catered to re-enactors and pirate participants visit this web page ... There are Facebook pages also... Please contact me to get added to the participant page, otherwise the public event page can b…
Last reply by MarkG, -
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If you've never experienced the remote beauty of Eastport and the Northeast coast along the Maritimes, then make your way to it's 7th annual pirate festival this September 7-9. This event continues to grow and evolve each year and the town really gets behind it. Adding to it this year will be the HMS Bounty.
Last reply by Dirigoboy, -
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Come and see a whole new version of the Seafarers Market Place Festival & Pirate Faire located in Sacramento, California on September 22/23, 2012. for more info contact: Louisiana Sue Ramon , This event will boost the most gun fire at any one event, It is held at 10000 Garden hwy in Sacramento ,California.(on the Sacramento River) Plenty of childrens activities, food , drink and great historical encampments and period vendors along with many historical re enactors and live music.Rogues of the Golden Coast, Tales of the 7 Seas ,Kern County Pirates & Lost Souls of the Iron Brigade will host some spectacular Fire Power with period heavy cannons…
- 5 replies
Saturday's third annual Marcus Hook Pirate Festival was a success thanks to the crews of the Archangel, Vahalla, Sons Of The Waves, The Plank House Crew, Vigilant Crew, Skullduggery Crew and Monti & Lucretia from Ye Pyrate Brotherhood. We also enjoyed great Pirate Music by the Brigands and Pirates For Sail. Even though the weather was cloudy and cool we all had a great time. There were some outstanding displays at the encampment and skits by Vahalla's crew. We also engaged cannon fire with the Kalmar Nyckel sailing down the Delaware river. The food venders offered up some tasty snacks and even the Chick-Fil-A Cow was getting into the spirit of the days events. I …
Last reply by Capt Thighbiter, -
- 16 replies
I hope to be there Sept. 10-11.
Last reply by Thomas McLaren, -
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Pirates: Legends and Lore at The Petaluma Museum: The Museum here in Petaluma CA is hosting a Pirate exhibit starting September 16. The exhibit opens at 6PM. There will be a musician playing nautical tunes and a rum company will be serving punch. Come and see the exhibit and make new friends and share a mug of punch.
Last reply by buckskin37, -
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St. Augustine, FLORIDA VENUE: St Augustine Historic District Avast all ye pyrate loving souls. Come to the oldest city in the USA to celebrate the best “Talk Like a Pirate Day” weekend. Spend an entire weekend dressed in pirate garb walking down historic cobblestone roads next to Spanish Fortresses built to keep the pirate’s out. Learn to talk, fight n’ drink like a pirate, arrrrrgh! Friday 11:30-1:30pm: Tour of Colonial Spanish Quarter to see blacksmiths, carpenters n’ other people who pirates stole from, with a lunch at the Spanish Bakery. Friday 2-4pm: Tour of Castillo de San Marcos, the oldest masonry fort in the US, built in 1672 after the English Pirate’s burnt …
Last reply by tigerlee, -
- 7 replies
Avast ye swabs! It is my great pleasure to announce the most excellent and auspicious event that is BRETHRENCON. BrethrenCon is by far Colorado's largest and most exciting pirate event, and Denver's first EVER pirate convention! Drawing buccaneer brethren from across the nation to partake in our revelry, BrethrenCon is an event not to be missed! Just because we're landlocked doesn't mean we can't party like pirates! Indeed, we believe our aquatically challenged location to be an advantage. Why? It's simple: neutral ground. You cannot get farther away from the ocean than Denver, Colorado (well, except maybe for Kansas. But seriously, who wants to go to Kansas?). …
Last reply by Blackbead, -
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September 3, 2011 A sleepy Spanish fort nestled on the banks of the Mississippi shrouded in the pre dawn mists. Out of the harbor a cannon sounds and the world erupts in flames. As the mist lifts a ship is seen and upon the mast flies the dreaded roger of the pirate ship The King's Revenge. Did it happen? Prolly not, but in our world, the Pyrates have finally come to the City of Kings, Memphis. We want to invite all to a fun filled family friendly day on the banks of the Mississippi presented by the Desert Rose Studios and MidSouth Buccaneers ship The King's Revenge to celebrate Labor Day. Pers'nal Inf…
Last reply by Captain Robert Darksoul, -
No one has posted anything about Ojai yet, so here is the heads up. Seems most of the pirates I know are going the first weekend, Sept. 20-21. This is an awesome event, in a really nice setting, so I hope lots of pirates can turn their "ships" in that direction, drop anchor, and have a great time. Lots of vendors, food, music, and battles! (Yes, shoot or gully those nasty Spaniards!) I know Tales of the Seven Seas will have an encampment again this year, so come by and see us!
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 3 replies
Cannon firing school will be held again this year at Fort De Chartres in early September..........class held for two days......really cheap and comes with a certification......will post more info when available.... BOOM !
Last reply by Capt. J..., -
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Last reply by Beowoulf,