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No matter if you're an old salt, just starting out or a poor sailor of questionable ethics, this be the place to sign articles, join a crew, recruit and be recruited.
183 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Pirates and Privateers - come join the Invasion of the City of Wilmington, NC. October 6-8, 2006. During our 28th Annual Riverfest. Friday night is our Pre-Invasion party for the pirates, captains and crews participating in the Flotilla. Saturday, pirates roam the streets and Riverwalk during the Riverfest and at sundown the Invasion begins. Our first year included 15 invading boats, in 2006 we hope to have over 30 boats and ships participating. Visit our website Invasion of the Pirates for contact information. The event was created by the Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust Funds and sponsorships may be available for established groups & pirate ships to assis…
Last reply by CaptainCiaran, -
- 0 replies
Yr Gwyliad, The Welsh band of Elizabethan period "privateers" is looking for 6 to eight more folk to round out their crew for fight demos, choreographed swordplay and interactin with the public at the Shrewsbury Renaissance faire in Kings Valley Oregon. We're nowhere near as nice to look at at Drake and t'other big name sea dogs, just simple dealers in maritime aquisitions as it were. Whether ye'r male er female,(over 21 with a car) if ye can take instruction, enjoy a rough semblance of authenticity in yer character and costume and are willing to learn swordplay from the ground up we'd like to hear from ye! Or if ye have some experience theatrically let us know. Drop a …
Last reply by Monterey Jack, -
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I a looking for an pirate re-enactors whom may be in the Virginia Area. I am a 17th century revolutionary war re-enactor with my Parents as I am 29, but being young and rebelious I am turning to pyracy (the wardrobe is cooler). We have done Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Surry as well as a huge one in Pennsylvania, I think the big re-enactment rendevous is in West Virginia this year however I dont believe any Pirates will be that landlocked with all dem lanlubbers anyhow, but it is a two week event and is actually a blast. Anyone? Bueller? Beau
Last reply by pyrate drifter, -
- 1 reply
Arrr Matey! I be recruitin' new members fer me cap'n. We're a historical pyrate troupe with a vast and varied stage combat experience! We're based out of Gainesville, Florida but we do events all over the state. If'n yer interested, drop me a line.
Last reply by Bosun Carmina, -
- 2 replies
I'm along the CT shoreline and I've heard there be many a corsier nearby....I've spotted them out and about and now and again a quick jig and an arr escapes them tho they appear to consider it that no one takes notice. we are drawn to the likes of each other tho it is i believe and i would be grateful to see an opportunity to jes wet a whistle and get to know some of the same kind. it would not be beyond my capabilities if it were that i may have to travel a bit to join in refreshment and merriment if that be the case as well. with a bow and a wave.... godspeed and fairwinds,
Last reply by ebythesea, -
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Ahoy, If ye hunger ta be a maritme wealth redistribution agent or a preemptive salvage specialist check out the ships of the Voyage of Reprizal. An' if ye be interested in sailin' with us, send a signal ta one o' the Captain's an' see if they 'ave a place for ye in their crews.
Last reply by ScourgeOtheSea, -
- 1 reply
: PirateS and crewmembers needed in the NorthCarolinA PiedmOnt area (HighPoint< Greensboro, Winston Salem, ftting out the crew of the HMS Rampage, for 18th century reenactments, with an alter ego of THE REVENGE Pirate vessel. Interested persons can e-mail me. Thanks! We will be a ver active group!
Last reply by BeaufortsPyrateWench, -
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I be lookin for a few good pirates. We be doing some local charity events for no pay but the opportunity to dress like a pirate. These events be politicallly correct events, so no weapons, drinking or wenching. However, after hour partys not withstanding. If'n yer interested in showing others "how to become a pirate", then drop me a PM. Yers in pyracy and play,
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 2 replies
I realize there's a "Tales of the Seven Seas News Forum", but it appears to be vacant (there are no posts). No? I'm interested in finding like-minded (read: pirate-minded) folk in NoCal, tho' I'm not at the reenactment stage yet. Not that I wouldn't be. I'm just on the "I really, really love pirates tip", but nowhere near the I have my own equipment, let's sail" end of things yet. I'm, first, just trying to find like-interested folk, I guess. Um. Help?
Last reply by Diego Santana de la Vega, -
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It's coming up on the three year anniversary of the forming of the Pirate Brethren of Texas, and since it's inception, we've had no more than 4 members. I'm going to post here, just in case anyone might be of the right persuasion (and perversion) to join our motley crew. Here's the information: The Pirate Brethren of Texas is a male only crew comprised of gay and gay-friendly men. We do not focus on making members dress historically accurate, and encourage members to dress more towards the Hollywood stereotype (because it's more comfortable!) if they wish. This does not mean that a member can't dress in full historically accurate garb, but they shouldn't complain to anot…
Last reply by moricktowain, -
- 6 replies
Greetings... I am Lord Duncan MacNamara, Captain of the 'Iron Lotus'. We are a pirate crew who currently plays in the SCA and at some ren faires in Oklahoma. If you're stranded w'out a crew in the oklahoma area, look no further! We dabble in alot of things, including Rapier combat, Cannon-Firing demos, Entertainment, and just plain having fun! Our online home can be found at: Iron Lotus Homepage If'n yer interested in joinin' the crew, or inviting the crew to an event or function, me contact info can be found below. Captain Duncan MacNamara (405) 598-0684 Yahoo Messenger: lordduncan_mc AIM: VirtualScrib…
Last reply by Captain_MacNamara, -
- 4 replies
I'm not sure where to put this thread, sorry if I'm treading on any toes here. Right then. I have am a member of a pirate RPG. We've been going for a little while now, but we need members, especially guys, because we are progressing closer and closer to becoming an all female pirate ship. It's a lot of fun, and posting is pretty regular. As for historical accuracy, we are set in the 18th century, but there is a lot of room for poetic licence, hence the number of girls. There's blood, guts and battles aplenty, you're perfectly welcome to have a girl (or guy) in every port, and a sense of humour is a definite plus. Anyhoo, post if you're interested, and again, I'm s…
Last reply by blackjohn, -
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AHOY! Allow myself to introduce myself, I be the Feared Captain Morgan, the last real pirate in the Omaha Region. Now why omaha? well its the last place that the royal navy would be looking fer me! Arrrr! At any rate, me new crew is only 5 strong, we have, an Executive Officer, or first mate, We have a Quartermaster, a Chief Boatswain, and 2 Crew men, not including meself. Anyways, if ya live in the Omaha or surrounding communities, we would love to hear from ya! IF YA WANNA BE A CREWMEN or simply acknowledged as a ROS member, either post a message here or email yer captain at: I will get back to ya, Avast and remember: (The Actual Black …
Last reply by thepiratecaptainmorgan, -
- 3 replies
Still working some kinks out for "Pirate A Go Go" So I am sending out a call to all pirates......come and take part in our Shouting contest, pegleg race and drinking games! We still need a few black hearted drunkin sea dogs to make this pirate fest, everything it should be!!
Last reply by Christine, -
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Im a pirate lovin' girl in Fresno Ca and wonderin if thar be a crew fer me t' join close t' home?
Last reply by Monterey Jack, -
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Well, I've had it with tryin' to find a crew to be joinin'. So now I'm stepin' up an' givin' the orders. Any pirates livin' in the Cincinnati area are welcome to join me in all sorts of pyratical events. I be thinkin' 'bout all sorts of interestin' ventures. So please let me know if ye be in these waters.
Last reply by NicoleDeLaMer, -
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Savannah, Georgia is having it's first ever Pirate Fest on Tybee Island this October 7-9. Katrina Murray is in charge of attendees and is looking to add some more crews to this event. Please contact her at 912-220-3428 or 912-786-5444.
Last reply by Master Sully, -
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Tis about time we start a crew here, I've been lookin for ages!!! Lets get to it!!! Contact me as soon as ye can if ye are in cincinnati and are needin acrew as I am!!!
Last reply by Capt. Lazarus Gage, -
- 23 replies
All right m'loves. I'm searchin for a good crew and some close Mates to join me in my piratin' ways. I make my home in New Hampshire where my Land claiments tug at me heart strings. But the sea and the love of piratin' pulls me south to Pennsylvania and New Jersey at least once a month for some good ol' times and adventures to be had. Any one interested in strikin' an acord and joinin' me let me know and I'll lay out in detail for ya the glorious world of the Black Swan and where she'll make bearth next.
Last reply by CaptainSwan, -
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I can't help but be noticin' thar be a fair amount of us pirate folk in these waters. Thar be anyone else interested in puttin' us together a crew? I be willin' to do some work to put it together, if thar be the interest. Mostly be lookin fer mates in invade some local Faires with etc. (Pitt Ren Faire & GLMF) Send me a msg in a bottle or just respond and I'll gauge it from thar. Katerine
Last reply by Katerine_La_Rose_Noire, -
- 17 replies
Be there any oth'r pirates out n' bout from Ohio ur mayhaps from o'er in PA?
Last reply by Captain Charlotte Savvy, -
Time for a new crew...
by Guest cute corporal- 2 replies
Salutations and a big, wenchy AHARRR!!! I'm from the South-West of England (based in Weston-super-Mare/Bristol area) and I've been looking for a pirate re-enactment group for a long, long time now! I've had experience of both 17th and 14th cent. re-enactment, on and off the battle field and have a wardrobe suitable for both. if anyone knows of, or is in, a society near me, please don't hesitate to email me on , cheers, corp x
Last reply by Paisley, -
Treasure Island in San Francisco 9/24/05
by Guest Dan Doherty- 1 reply
I am writing on behalf of California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, to find a small crew of pirates to perform at our annual company picnic. Unfortuantely the date is the same as the Ojai Pirate Faire, so I seem to be having a lot of trouble finding any available pirates in the California area. About our event: We are a not-for-profit hospital group with around 5000 employees. Our event is a company picnic which is scheduled to take place at the great lawn picnic grounds at Treasure Island in San Francisco on Saturday, September 24th, 2005.We are expecting a total of about 3500 participants to come during the event between the hours of Noon and 5PM. Another ve…
Last reply by Diego Santana de la Vega, -
- 1 reply
Hahaha! Now that I have your attention, mates.... Allow me tae introduce myself. I am Captain Sorcha MacGregor of the Blue Drake. I play in the SCA and the ECS in Tucson Arizona....[Aye, I know...a desert rat is a pirate??....just read on....] A few friends of mine and I are starting a Nautical/Pirate Guild called Poseidon's Children here in the land of the everlasting [blasted] sun and are looking for people who are interested. I'm also ...recruiting....crew. I've quite a few mates aboard the Blue Drake but I have three other ships that need fine men and women to sail them to the best of their ability and gain as much booty as they can! If ye need tae speak tae m…
Last reply by Diego Santana de la Vega, -
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I'm not sure why, but I was suddenly compelled to post a section about me n' me crew. We all live in the Valley Forge area (-ish) Most of us attend Methacton Highschool, but a few of us attend schools in the surrounding area. We're always lookin fer more members, feel free ta post and swear yer allegience ta me any time The only nifty info I have right now is that we're goin on a LARP tour this summer, we'll be attendin as many LARPs as we can on the east coast an makin a name fer ourselves. It should proove fun. If you have any LARP suggestions, please, post em here!
Last reply by TheCaptainWilliam,