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No matter if you're an old salt, just starting out or a poor sailor of questionable ethics, this be the place to sign articles, join a crew, recruit and be recruited.
183 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Anyone here in the Louisville, KY area? I live in southern Indiana and I live 1.5 miles from the Ohio River. I have two small boats and a couple of cannons, but very few people to play with. I am looking to start a river-pirate oriented group since Louisville and surrounding areas were known for that. (See Cave-in-Rock which is close enough for a week-long trip. Also New London, Indiana) Right now I play with a local group called the Skurvy Dog Clan, but very few of them are actually interested in pirates. I am already involved with a couple of events that are looking for river pirates, so if anyone is interested, let me know! Also, my biggest cannon is a 1781 U.S. Navy …
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 6 replies
I seem to be havin a strange issue. I wish to join a crew or start one however the largest body of water around be lake erie.... Any ideas?
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 2 replies
Looking for Pirates of these high seas that venture to the Maryland Renn Faire. Sept is our Pirate wekkend and Aye always look for ye good Pirates.
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 3 replies
I be Luther Jack, and I be lookin for a crew to join and a ship to call me home. I be a west coast scoundrel and pilagin and plunderin is what I know.
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 3 replies
Aye... Looking for pyrates that make South Florida their home port in or near Broward County. Festivals, Museums, Research, Reenactment Groups (battles me favorite), Anything of Interest that's Pyratical! Mate and Maiden alike, I'd like to hear from ya... I cant believe that I be the only Pyrate in these lands. Kidd
Last reply by CaptKonnan, -
- 1 reply
It seems that there be sharks in these waters. I have become the local contact point for a few people with interestes about pirates. The local area being Sheboygan, WI. Now I have told them all about the pirate festival in Port Washington and I think they are all going. We are so pumped that talk has started about starting a Pirate group up here. Now this was before I found out that some of you are from Port Washington. Now I have been following the threads as close as I can but I was wondering if there are other groups out there in our area? Also any local websites that I should be hitting to learn about local activites? So what information can you all give me?
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 13 replies
Home of the King's Pyrate and other scurvy sea-dogs, we wish to send an invitation to all those who are seeking another safe port full of intresting topics and a chance to meet others that do not dwell within the Pub. Come by for a drink and bid the King's Pyrate a hearty 'ello! Mantanzas Bay Buccaneers *assisting King's Pyrate in getting his forum going *grins*
Last reply by Kendra The Sea Maid, -
- 2 replies
(Actually, we're a scurvy bunch of misfits; however, its all in the marketing...) We launched in the spring of 2006, a small band of folks who have met and gather at faires for some time and were looking to go to the next level. So our merry band has started out, guided by a few old salty dogs and a eagerness to learn and eventaully teach. We base out of Annapolistowne, Maryland and are always looking for new (or at least new to us) mates to add to the learning and merrymaking. Feel free to visit our yahoo group: Cheers! Tatu Ni'all FM, GBP
Last reply by Tatu Ni'all, -
- 240 replies
Hi, I know a lots of ye.I know many are never going to be ready to make a transition into a full time faire goin fool much like ya knows I am. I'm starting a pyratical group of misfits, insulting, pilaging practical joking humiliating, fun loving friends who like meself might be shipless fools who just might rather staff a guildyard at a certain number of faires and places where we can play! Instead of paying to get in to have no place called home there in the faires we all go to. Som of the faires where we should be able to set up a tent or two are: (and these are in a dateline of occurance during the faire year of first to last.....I think....) Palm Springs Bakersf…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 5 replies
Just wanting to see if I could touch bases with other pirates shipwrecked in the great state of Idaho!?!?
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 21 replies
Mayhap when we go to faire we could possible do a Kaper's list for things to do/be done and willing hands to do the work, so that it be all shared. The cap't worked his @$$ off this weekend past, and even tho he ne'er complain and loves wot he do, signing up for chores be a good way to make it even as possible. I also thot mayhap we can add a small sign on canvas about story times for the wee ones, and mayhap a song list we can be singing in camp for fun and to pass the time... We could even plan feasts together if ye be willin...if we haves fire we have a way to cook small things together... Just me thots on this today...
Last reply by Arthur Richards from Kent, -
- 0 replies
If this is the wrong place for this post, I apologize in advance for putting this in the Rabble Rousing section. I'm not quite sure which forum to put this in, so I'm putting it here. While at Scarborough Faire last Sunday, I came to the realization that many of the various pirate crews in Texas tend to be seperate, and don't have much communication with other crews (I know my crew doesn't have much correspondance with other crews and I'd really like to open some correspondance with the other crews (yes, I used a few big words there.). In light of this, I have created a Yahoo group, solely to {here come some more big words) facilitate communication between the various pi…
Last reply by moricktowain, -
- 22 replies
I am having a glitch in me get-along with postin pics from Photobucket, please bear with...grammercy
Last reply by Arthur Richards from Kent, -
- 28 replies
these are the listed faires we have been approved to come and be a part of. Palm Springs March 24th, 25th and 26th * Escondido April 1st and 2nd * * = booked Escondido April 8th and 9th * guest guild at Corona weekend of April 29th and 30th * Ojai Spring Event May 13th and 14th * guest guild at Corona weekend of May 20th and 21st * guest guild on Coronas last weekend June 11th and 12th * (note the three guest guild yard priveledges extended for Corona is a trial run for our band of maurading givers to become a regular guild here for future upcoming years as a Koronaberg European Fesival guild in good standing) Cutthroat Pirate (2 weeke…
Last reply by Arthur Richards from Kent, -
Aussie pirates
by Guest Sonny O'Brien- 4 replies
any ausie pirates out their?
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
by Betsy Beers- 2 replies
Ye everyone, I’ve been reading all the posts since the fair. I my opinion there are a lot of good ideas, I like the pre gate opening meeting. The snig up list I think would work best if done on a web site posted at least a week before the next event (if possible), I set up a cite for my family that helps us know what’s up.... ie. A potluck list (so not everyone brings chips) where the meeting will be, what we will be doing, etc.. So I's thinking if a web cite was set up it could be used for a pot luck list and lists of what we want to do when reading ____ book at ___time and people can put there name on that time. That way it helps make things a little smoother w…
Last reply by Arthur Richards from Kent, -
- 3 replies
I'm still looking fer good swabs to sign on and start a crew in the area, drop me a line if'n yer interested. -Captain Lazarus Gage
Last reply by Capt. Lazarus Gage, -
by Betsy Beers- 4 replies
Captin on ye list o books "the barefoot book of pirates" I beleive is short stoies. "who I became a pirate" is not piored but --- try this ----this book must of come from a far away place ,a very rich place for they must of had many painters and wizads. For it shows things I never has seen or heard of ---like sun block -would that be like rubbing mud all over one self. I don't think I would like that ..... Comparing the now that they know with the past . We did it all the time in my last giuld and it worked wonders getting them to inter act. Oh please tell me a book to read
Last reply by Arthur Richards from Kent, -
- 3 replies
I'm look'n for fellow Pyrates in the Wilkes Barre, area of Pa. If'n yer out there, give me a yell.
Last reply by Freebird, -
- 0 replies
The Pirates of the Drunken Ferret are looking for willing additions to our scurvy crew as well as gentlemen and ladies attired properly for the period on the proud ship Clipper City sailing Thursdays and Saturdays out of Baltimore May thru October. Pay is according to shares of the booty as described in the Articles of our Company. We also be seeking a ship's musician well versed in sailor's music willing to add harmony and pleasure to our vocal endeavors. Again, pay is according to shares. Any of you wishing to know more, please contact Capt. Mad Molly Mudd at or visit our website at PiratesforSail
Last reply by captmadmollymudd, -
- 1 reply
This be yer first notice o' recruitment fer The Halloween Pirate crew at Pioneer Farms Museum in Austin, Texas/ We will be planning to set up for 1-4 days in October for a Haunted Pyrate area, to include a a cemetery, Haunted barn and other areas,... we need a first mate, galley cook, two gunners, and 12-15 crew members to accomplish the planning and manning of thre haunted areas. Austin Pioneer Farms is a 19th century farm and town museum recreation which will be hosting our event , we have blacksmiths, woodworkers, and are controlled by Captain Mad Roberts We meet every Sunday at Pioneer Farms blacksmith shop between noon and 1pm for inquiries
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I just moved to NYC and I am looking for some pirates to hang out with. Not quite sure yet what pirates do in NYC, but I would love to get involved. Maybe we could go out to some bars and then ride the staten island ferry around? -MadKate
Last reply by saltH2Ogal8, -
Pennsic Pirates
by Guest saltH2Ogal8- 0 replies
New pirate group online! This is a group dedicated to the advancement in the art of plunder and pillaging, within SCA (the Society of Creative Anachronisms) events and various Pirate related events. It primary goal is to attract those who like to attend events of an historical, medieval or pyratical nature. But moreso, for those who just want to have a great time, with like minded individuals. That being said, hop on board and hoist your tankards, for this ships about to set sail!
We brought you the Mayflower, now we need a Crew
by Guest Guest_Guybrush Threepwood- 0 replies
<- I just liked his Captain-like look. Anyways, you can call me Guybrush, I'm a student at Northeastern University in Boston, MA and I'm looking for a crew of pirates who will like to perform their best in front of a group of college students. Now this isn't any ordinary event, but an event caled Piratefest. This will the first of its kind to be launched on campus and what a better way to initiate it than with a great group of pirates. Looking for a crew of 20 pirates even less or a few more. I will even accept of a crew of 8 pirates. Just somewhere around those figures so there's enough on campus. Anwyays my e-mail adress is if you need to contac…
- 1 reply
Our Baratarians did the Battle of New Orleans reenactment for the second year, the weekend of January 6, and the group is starting to taking off with full sails and great guns! We are attracting new members, getting invited to other events, and doing some real planning for our future. Our main focus right now is still the 1815 Battle reenactment; but we also plan to branch out into other events and eras: Great Age of Piracy, prepare to be boarded! We are having an organizational meeting this coming Saturday, January 21, at noon, at the River's Edge Restaurant in the French Quarter: Decatur Street, directly across the street from Cafe Du Monde coffee / beignet shop. …
Last reply by Mad Matt,