Find a Crew or Introduce One
No matter if you're an old salt, just starting out or a poor sailor of questionable ethics, this be the place to sign articles, join a crew, recruit and be recruited.
183 topics in this forum
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- 1.1k views Ahoy! Hailing for North Texas, We be Pirates in search of a few scurvy dogs, and well okay I guess afew good wenches as well. From Buccaneers to Privateers, and all in between. Climb aboard and hoist ye sails, we shall sail the seven seas. With a pirate's heart and it runs through your veins, wait no longer and join me crew. *UPDATE* Looking for others to join me crew for local renaissance faires and other celebrations. Email me and join the group.
Last reply by Captain James Gilliam, -
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Recently relocated here from Az was VERY involved in local pirate reenactor group looking for local pirates or those interested in banding together for pyrate fun and adventures. Please be of age to enjoy the rum Captain Robert Darksoul Location: MidSouth & Memphis area
Last reply by Captain Robert Darksoul, -
- 4 replies
Ahoy, Although my captain (Stingray) and I have been sailing single-handedly for about a year we have finally managed to gather together a group of like minded misfits and call ourselves a crewe. We are now known as the Pirates of Disappearing Island and hail from Ponce Inlet Florida. Stingray and I have attended Pirates in Paradise as well as Pyrate Con and plan on returning to both with a larger and wilder bunch of bilge rats. We look forward to some rum sipping and good times with others that consider themselves the scurge of the sea. fair winds and happy plundering to all.
Last reply by Fayma Callahan, -
- 10 replies
Well mateys two years ago right here on line a few of youz grabbed ahold of an idea, A dream and we began this here group of sea dogs, dedicated as one to all and from all for one. The Pirates of Treasure Cove a non profit organization dedicated to literacy and promoting the importance of reading. We went through some hot damn bad times. We seen the ugly side of friendships die for certs. There have been a hundred or more arguments and it just now seems to be headed for a place where we all hoped we all originally headed. The egos have left, The dedicated remain. We are simply the best damn group of pirates on the left coast. Open arms and hearts welcomes ye all. We raise…
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
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SINCE we have had trouble getting a thread of our own (dang it!!) on the crew section, I'll put this in here.. We are the Pirates of the Plains, the Corsairs of the Cornfields. The only pirate ship of pyrite, we are The Fool's Gold! Left behind after a major typhoon, we are now based in the Midwest. We are from Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Minnesota. You will find us marauding at movies, kidnapping kids, plundering picnics, and fooling around at fests. Capn Merrydeath (acting) Quartermaster Red Bess her spouse the Sturgeon and First Mate SeaRover Navigator Pete Straw aka Evil Peaches powder monkeys Andre and Daniel Sean and …
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 29 replies
SINCE we have had trouble getting a thread of our own on the crew section, I'll put this in here.. We are the Pirates of the Plains, the Corsairs of the Cornfields. The only pirate ship of pyrite, we are The Fool's Gold! Left behind after a major typhoon, we are now based in the Midwest. We are from Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Minnesota. You will find us marauding at movies, kidnapping kids, plundering picnics, and fooling around at fests. We've been known to drink with Capt Morgan, and dine with Long John Silver. Remember, plundering and pillaging WHILE you wait. If we sack your village, do you want paper or plastic? Capn…
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
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Howdy Harr! I'm looking for a Pirate Judge for the 2008 comedy olympics. If you are in NYC and are available for any of these dates please let me know ASAP! jOSH 914-629-1225 New York, New York THE 2008 COMEDY OLYMPICS! 4 Events, 4 Clubs, 40+ Comedians Compete. Teams of 4 battle before packed houses & a panel of Olympic Judges for the Gold Medal! Events include- One-liner Competition, Crowdwork/Heckler Handling, Storytelling & the Tight 5 (best 5 minutes of material) 2 drink min at all shows (no min at opening) Tuesday, August 12th: 9pm @ New York Comedy Club, 241 E 24th St, (212) 696-5233 One-liner Competition -$…
Last reply by jflips, -
- 1 reply
Who is the crew I see around Ct and RI ocassionally? I was passing through New London CT, and I stopped for about 10 minutes at the pier festival. I didn't have time to approach or ask, since I was with people, and somewhat in a hurry. I have see these faces around RI . One of them has a dark crimson shirt. sound familiar?
Last reply by Coastie04, -
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We are "Pirates of the Sand" and we create "Pirate themed sculptures" from piles of sand dressed as authentic pirates......arrrrrrg, we even talk like scurvy dogs... You don't have to be on a beach to have a sandsculpture, we can bring the sand almost anywhere. Sandsculptures are proven to increase foot traffic and media coverage..... Check out our site and a minimum, I guarantee your be amazed by what we can do with a pile of sand.... See us at these upcoming festivals - Ft Myers Beach and St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.... VISIT PIRATES OF THE SAND
Last reply by Pirates of the Sand, -
- 3 replies
Any Minnesota Pirate crews out there?
Last reply by Red Bess, -
- 8 replies
I be lookin for new crew in the KC area. Would like to start meeting to get something started. Or just to drink rum. Capt. Lars
Last reply by Capt. Lars, -
- 2 replies
After attending the Long Island Pirate Festival, I thought it might be a good idea to create an online home for crews/musicians/vendors/performers etc. on Long Island to network and plan mischief. It's also good for out of area folks who want to do events on the Island. Long Island Pirates Yahoo Group Please join and spread the word - I've sent out a bunch of invites but only one person has responded!
Last reply by Bloodrose, -
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So I've decided to reopen the "Pirate School" in Raliegh and I am looking for new recruits. We were called Capt. Scurvy's Carnival of Senseless Debauchery in the past, but we've changed it to Knights of the Black Flag. I have a space in Cary NC where we meet for stage combat classes and general meetings. We have our own tailor for costumes and some really great suppliers for weapons and gear that give us a decent disount on purchases. Travel as far as Florida and California at least once a year is required. Lots of local shows too though. If anyone is interested you can meet me at Camelot Treasures in Cary NC on June 28th for our Pirates day and Autism Awareness pa…
Last reply by blackbeard_nc, -
- 4 replies
Ahoy mateys! This be Capt. Bleached Bones Bill and I be lookin to assemble a crew in the Lehigh Valley area of PA. Once we be meetin' we'll be awritin' ar articles and rules and such that be the workins' of the group. Interested in reenacting, education and theater events. All interested scallywags contact the Captain.
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 5 replies
since the crew thread is locked, I'm adding a thread for the Fools Gold pirates and adding that we are looking for more lost souls. we are looking for part re-enactor/ part fantasy pirates in the midwest to join us as we go to ren fairs and pirate fests, special events, and movie primiers. You need to be a bit out-going and have some pirate gear, but mostly you need a spirit of adventure and a fondness for travel! apply at capnmerrydeath@foolsgoldpirates.comcom this is also our thread for the crew, since we seem to have lost our thread from before.
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 10 replies
Ahoy there,'ye'scallywags and general seadogs!....This be a good subtitle to this summer's event schedule, and I'll be gettin' to that momentarily... End of May and first 'o June will find us invadin' the fine settlement of Hampton, VA. for the Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival once again, with a few extra twists this year.....Off we'll be sailin' to New York and the Hudson River, with a few stops, including Kingston, NY before downrigging the ship and heading westward on the Erie Canal..Then it looks like Oswego and Rochester, NY for restepping and a few events....The last week of June will see us in Port Huron, MI, and..the first meet up with a SECOND privateer! Thi…
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
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Lets see if this thread can avoid that evil spam monster The Great Lakes River Pirates, the Midwests premier Pirate Reenactors. Our Mission is To educate Ourselves and Others in Matters regarding River Piracy as it was practiced inland on the Lakes and Rivers of the 18th and early 19th C., through the adoption of the Clothing and Mannerisms of the Pirates and their Associates, Victims &c.
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 1 reply
The Mermayde is based out of Southern New England. We are looking for people who are interested in the authetic side of the hobby, primarily living history and battle re-enactors. The Mermayde sails in two eras, as one of Drakes ships and as a privateer in the 1690's. Reasearch and oing it right are our watchwords. Are ye interested? Hawkyns, Captain
Last reply by JohnnyTarr, -
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The Pirate Brethren of Texas is currently recruiting new members. We're a GBLT and GLBT-friendly group based in Dallas, Texas. We are mainly a male only crew, but will consider a female crew member on a case by case basis. Our website is We also have a Yahoo group for prospective members to join, at With Scarborough Renaissance Faire quickly approaching, I'd like to try to get a few new crew members before this happens (especially when our crew currently comprises of myself and our historian.)
Last reply by moricktowain, -
- 3 replies
Ahoy all! I could use some information from those in who like to perform as pirates. I've received three requests alone this week from clients in different parts of the country who need pirates. We can't cover all the bases and I prefer to use my mates here instead of finding ones I don't know through No Quarter Given's listings (a great resource, I just don't know everyone there). So, if you'd like a referral (these are usually corporate gigs, festivals, special events, fundraisers and educational institutions), please provide the following here and I will create a little sheet to send to clients when they ask. Crewe: Location: Area Served (how far will a…
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 2 replies
are there any pirates in or around rhoadhiss, hickory, or lenoir north carolina??? hello?
Last reply by Capt. Sterling, -
- 6 replies
Hello folks. I've got this new idea that I want to work on. The Pirates of Paynetown event needs an enemy. Pirates fighting pirates isn't as cool as pirates fighting the government! A this year's Pirates of Paynetown, we're expecting a few detachments of Royal Marines to battle the pirates on land. What we need is a few stout sailors to fight them at sea. I have a boat, artillery and a decent amount of weaponry. What I need are cannon fodde-um-I mean hearty lads to fight for King and Country! What is required of you: 1) Show up to Pirates of Paynetown August 8th, 9th, and 10th near Bloomington, Indiana and fight in both battles 2) Be willing to get in a boat and possib…
Last reply by Capt. Sterling, -
- 10 replies
SeaLegs and I are looking to start a local group in the Maryland area. Pub crawls and mass drinking are not our thing since most of the time we have our powder monkeys and cabin boys with us. This also means that it would be family oriented. Want to get together sharing ideas on outfitting (sewing both fantasy and authentic), props and music. Also want to go as a group to various local events. Send me a PM if interested.
Last reply by Mad Woman Cheryl, -
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I am reposting this notice to this area.. it was originally posted in Rabble Rousing and was moved to Pyrate Pop for some yet to be explained reason... we are looking for pyrates.. so I think this is the appropriate place to be.... We are the International Brotherhood Of Neutral Pyrates, aka The Pyrates Union The World's First and ONLY official Pyrates Union (this is a legitimate union) Welcome aboard the Pyrate Ship Neutral... A place where Pyrates can be Pyrates without conflict, back stabbing or general contempt. We be an easy going bunch who seek fun, frolick and a rum or two along the way. Despite any rumours, we LIKE to make friends with other Pyrates…
Last reply by Pirate Seika, -
- 11 replies
After some rambling in Pirate Pop, I thought I'd make this post to ask anyone who's in Baltimore if there are any events where historical accuracy isn't as much of an issue. Because, while I intend to eventually devlop an accurate costume, with my money issues the way they are (college kills!) I probably won't be able to do that for a while, but I'd still like to participate in functions and not wind up on someone's "look how innaccurate her costume was!" website =p (i ran into a few of those before i stumbled into this forum) anyway, thanks for any information you might have
Last reply by Crimson Davy,